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Everything posted by TobacNO

  1. I didn't smoke in the car so I was constantly thinking about a place to stop and have a smoke. It made long trips longer. Also I didn't enjoy going to movies much because I'd be craving a cig and wanting the movie to end so I could dash for the parking lot and fire one up.
  2. Day two- NOPE!
  3. WOO-HOO!! I've made it through the first 24 hours! ? It may seem odd but I was very concerned about making it through this first day more than the days to come. It wasn't fun by any stretch of the imagination but it wasn't as brutal as I had feared, Checking in here and reading all the advice and personal experiences helped immensely... Along with a lot of gum, hard candies,grape juice and deep breathing when the cravings got vicious. I'm kind of looking forward to going to sleep tonight because that's like an 8 hour vacation from the battle and it gets me that much further along from the pull of that last cancer stick.
  4. I walked past a favorite hoodie I'd hung on the back of a door this spring and instantly smelled cigarette smoke and it made my mouth water a bit. ? So, The hoodie went into the wash along with my work uniform and favorite shirts for a second cleaning to make sure there is no lingering siren song of tobacco to lure me back in to big tobacco's legion of cash drones.
  5. I'm still on the first day but so far- hard candy chewing gum grape juice ice water As well as lots of reading here on the Qtrain. Those of you who post here may not realize it but you are literally life savers.
  6. Congratulations on quitting Kdad! I just quit last night myself so you are not alone in how you're feeling right now and I wish you the best.
  7. Thanks everyone, I appreciate the the well wishes.
  8. For the first time, NOPE!
  9. Hi everyone, I smoked my last cigarette at 9:30 this evening. I've smoked since high school in the late 1970's and have put thousands of dollars in the tobacco companies pockets over the years but I've finally had enough. I'm in for a rough couple of weeks until I can control this addiction instead of letting it control me, But I've armed myself with nicotine patches, hard candy and plenty of gum to make things as easy as possible. Really looking forward to a couple of weeks from now.. ?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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