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Everything posted by TobacNO

  1. This is fantastic! I'm really glad it was bumped back up for us newbs.
  2. Nope Nope Nope!!!
  3. I'm 9 days in now and sometimes that feels like a long time without a smoke and other times it seems like I just quit today. Cravings are all over the place. Yesterday I could almost taste a cigarette and I went through about a hundred Life Savers and Tootsie pops to keep me on the straight and narrow, Tough day but I made it through. Today about noon it struck me that I hadn't thought about a cig up until that point (saw someone smoking in a movie) Then the regularly scheduled cravings were back but at least I had a few hours respite. One thing that has been the biggest problem for me is the lack of sleep and the off the wall and really vivid LSD trip type dreams I have when I do manage to sleep. Anyone else have that particular problem in their first week or so? Regardless, I've made it over a week without a smoke and I will NOT let my addiction draw me back into one of the most useless and self destructive habits the human race has inflicted upon itself. Nope!
  4. NOPE!!!
  5. Congratulations Parsley! One month is a huge achievement!
  6. NOPE!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Congratulations on 6 years bakon!!!
  8. NOPE!!!
  9. Better I think. More time between cravings now so that's a huge relief.
  10. NOPE!!!!
  11. My longtime camping buddy Jasper and the new addition, Bailey the wonder Sheltie.
  12. WOOT! I can hardly believe it, I've made it 5 full days without smoking! ? Having hard candies like Lifesavers, Werther's and Tootsie pops on hand hand definitely help a LOT! Staying busy has been a big thing for me too. I washed my truck today even though it was raining lightly at the time just to have something to occupy myself. It really did help and I didn't think about smoking much at all during the process. I'm sure people driving by thought I was a raving lunatic though. Anyway, These things and the others I posted on day 1 have helped me get this far and 5 days ago I wasn't at all sure I would make it through the first 24 hours without caving into to my addiction.
  13. You know, I feel almost exactly like that bear today. ?
  14. Day 5 NOPE!
  15. Hang tough Kdad, You are in the 4th day now and pretty soon you'll be able to say that you've been quit for a week. Make yourself one of the quit tickers to keep an eye on. It may sound silly but it's really therapeutic for me to check my ticker and see how many cancer sticks I've avoided sucking into my lungs and being a notorious cheapskate, I can see how much money I'm not setting on fire too.?
  16. Happy Birthday Maryland Quitter!
  17. A day 4 NOPE!
  18. Hi Sean, I was in almost the identical situation myself until very recently. I am only 3 days into my quit using nicotine patches but I feel like I'm going to make it. I smoked about 1 1/2 packs a day since 1978 or 79 (the exact year escapes me) and have wanted to quit for years but I was always convinced I would fail and I could always find some excuse, No matter how thin it might be to keep on smoking. This past week I finally made up my mind to take the plunge. I ordered the patches from Amazon, stocked up on gum, hard candies.fruit juice, pretzels etc. Threw away the ash tray I kept on the back deck and didn't buy any more cigarettes. My last day as a smoker I nervously counted down the remaining cigs in my last pack and I admit to having mild panic attacks at the thought of running out of smokes. Finally, That night I smoked the last remaining cancer stick in the pack. I immediately walked back in the house, Took a shower and brushed my teeth to get the smell and taste of the cursed things off me and put on a patch. I went to bed early that night because I feel like the time I'm asleep It's an 8 hour or so vacation from the quitting process. I'm not saying it's easy but I know it can be done. I can do this and so can you Sean. Read the stories that folks have posted on this site and decide on your own best strategy and go for it!
  19. Still hanging in there and ready to put day 3 in the win column.
  20. NOPE!!!
  21. Thank you all for sharing your experiences, They were just what I needed this morning!
  22. For those of you who have a good amount of time since your last smoke, How long into your quit were you when you started to feel "normal"? What I mean is how many days or weeks was it when the cravings, irritability etc. etc. faded into the background? I realize everyone's feelings are different so I'd like to hear from as many of you as possible. Thanks in advance for your time, Allen
  23. 48 hours down finally! I checked in here quite a few times today for inspiration, I really like checking my quit ticker and seeing how many cigs I haven't smoked. Two whole packs so far that I've managed to do without. ? It sure hasn't been fun but I'm so glad I finally took that first giant step and said Nope! Hopefully day 3 will be a wee bit easier.
  24. Congrats on day 2 Kdad!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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