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Everything posted by MLMR

  1. @Kdad congrats! How you doing?
  2. Welcome, Edy. Forget about past experiences. Instead focus on the 'now'. Now is where you want (and can!) quit. It is doable, just as much for you, as for anyone else. You ask, shall I quit today or shall I quit tomorrow? My advise would be, make up your own mind about that. Take matters into your own hands, it's empowering! Lean on us for support along the way, that's what the board is here for. There is plenty to be scared of.. but, actually, there isn't. Because you will find your way and you will discover how strong you really are. Let us know what you decide!
  3. Hi Christa, that went fast, wow 11 months already! Sorry to hear that you are under a lot of stress. Its fantastic that it doesnt jeopardize your quit. Congrats, upwards and onwards to your first year!
  4. This is the coolest ever. I whish I had a friend like that, because she is sooo right. Funny, I imagined one foot with eight toes
  5. Shortness of breath, I had it too. Mine was anxiety related. Quitting scared the hell out of me. It lasted a while, diminished and came back again. Its a proces. Do some research to what causes it, maybe visit your doctor if you dont trust it. And try concious breathing. See it as an opportunity to learn something about yourself, rather than something that has to get out of the way! Just to clarify, have you quit 'officially' now? If so, good for you, congrats on your decision
  6. Hey Joe, welcome. Great decision and mindset. Go for it and rant when you need it. But, do spare some concentration please, to explain whats with eight toe?
  7. By the way, I want to add that its not just my story thats worth reading. The advise, the support, the education, the tough and reasonable answers, the understanding, its all in there. Its a true gold mine. Thats also how I worked myself through the first months and still: reading everyone's answers to other people, really absorb it like a sponge. Sooner or later in your proces it will be of great help!
  8. Hi Michelle, good that your'e back. You said, dont be too tough on me. The reason people are tough sometimes is not to call on you for shame, or failure. It's because they are trying to reach you, beyónd your addiction. To reach that part where the wise mind rules. Thats the part where you know you have to quit, want to quit, be it one way or another. Try finding a way to stay connected to that part of yourself! Shout, take walks, vent, write letters to yourself, know your reasons, keep track of your progress. Do whatever is helping you and reward yourself for every milestone you feel is worth celebrating. And you will see, gradually the wise, knowing mind will take over, because you stayed comitted.
  9. This sounds like you have the right mindset! You definitely can, I am sure of that. Writing here helped me a lot, to share whatever I was going through, but I was also holding myself accountable that way. No way I'd cave after everything I wrote down...
  10. Curious about your tricks and the way you are working on it. Please share, others might be inspired! I took long walks, or went for a bike ride whenever I felt overwhelmed by the need to follow my former patterns. I told myself all the time: I am rewiring my brain. It helped big time to reach beyond the habit part.. which really isnt a thing actually... The habit follows the addiction... adress the addiction and the habit will vanish soon enough!
  11. Let me tell you as well: you dont need to smoke. You never needed it and you wont ever 'need' it again. Let that sink in...
  12. @Diane R I thought you had quit already, but I misread.
  13. You WILL be smokefree by monday. Thats the whole point in quitting, right? Have a great weekend, seems like you are in good company!
  14. And a big thanks from a middleagedbie! I stopped reading and watching all things informative about smoking a few months ago, because I was doing so well. The last 1,5 month life decided to overthrow me with a sh×tload of life-events-crap and tadaaa, the remaining receptors are having a blast. What a RELIEF to once again realise this is what its all about: receptors. Nothing personal or failure or 'why me ahhh' related.. just receptors. The one thing personal about it is healing and heading towards 12 months.
  15. Hi Diane, welcome and thanks for introducing yourself. Take a good look around, there's so much valuable information on here. Suck it all in and enjoy the ride. There will be yucky times, but also plenty of "Ahhh, but wait! I can do this!" moments. It would be nice to follow your journey along with you. Keep us posted!
  16. Hi Michelle, I was going to say the same as @beazel: read your SOS answer to yourself. Maybe put it on your fridge and read it right away when you need it? Post an SOS whenever you need it. You are the one making or breaking your quit, but reaching out is so important (at least it was for me).
  17. 7083. *Uche uche*
  18. ● dreaming vividly about it means nothing. Its still NOPE. ● I may be annoyed about still having smokey thoughts at this point, yet NOPE is as true as before. ● I am prepared to repeat NOPE a million times, if that saves me from future physical smoke-related harm. ● NOPE causes me better sleep, better breathing, calmth. The annoyance about cigarettes was caused by smoking in the first place, years ago. Now, take responsability for that. ● NOPE!!!
  19. Congrats 1/4 done and dusted!
  20. Linda, congrats! Just a few weeks to go..
  21. Wait... what? I am confused. P.s. stop calling it 'the Haze' or 'The relapse' or 'my disease'. You are completely complicating things that way. Start reading and educating yourself if you are serious about this, plenty of great material on the board.
  22. Thought I'd miss my answer to everything: boredom, fear, social akwardness, lonelyness etc. etc. All things existential. Turned out to be a big fat lie, BUT: One I have to remind myself over and over about. At times its frustrating, but still a million times better than be back at nasty, pride consuming smoking.
  23. Keep on smoking every other 3, 4 months and you will not get it, because you keep exercize junkie thinking. If you want to understand, then quit and educate yourself. Knowledge will follow.
  24. ^^Exactly this. ^^ I think you captured right about everything that comes with quitting. It isn't 'just doing it', but and at the same time... it is. There's a million wise things to say about quitting that can be helpfull and at the same time... it's all about one thing: NOT lighting up. This duality freaked me out in the beginning an it still can, honestly. But... well whatever
  25. Hi Linda, oops, I cant even call myself late here... almost july the first already! But.... huge congrats to you, lady. We are both coming along pretty darn well

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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