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Everything posted by Christa326

  1. Thank you Tammy!! and yes it has only been 9 days and I swear i can breathe better! (not sure if this is all in my head but i will take it!!) I will check out games also!
  2. Hi All! I hope you all had a nice weekend! I have a funny story....my family and I went to visit an old friend of my husband's (everyone there was a non-smoker) which was great especially since I was only 6 days smoke free on Saturday. Soooo, a woman there came up to me and said "hey do you have a cigarette?, I know no no one smokes here and you are my last hope" (it was my first time meeting this group so she was unsure of my situation) UGHHH!!! No lady! i do not! I just thought how ironic! I was sitting with someone else and told her I am recently quit. She yelled at her (jokingly) to leave me alone and then told me about her mom having stage 4 COPD and needing a lung transplant. ? so sad. But these are things I need to hear to keep me far away. I have to say I am proud for actually having 2 drinks and not feeling that "need" to smoke. WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  3. Thank you again, everyone!!! Having this site to come to is a life saver!
  4. Hi Sazerac! Thank you for replying! To be honest, last time was much harder...I feel like maybe the scare I had was good thing in a sense. I am "thinking" of smoking (not that i want to) but it is on my mind,, if that makes sense. I know it is mind over matter. Did you quit cold turkey? I have in the past and this time as well.
  5. Thank you all!! This is exactly what I need! Like i said, QSMB was the only thing that worked for me in the past...i truly appreciate all your words!!
  6. Thank you so much!!!
  7. Hi all, I used to be a member of QSMB (what happened there?) that site was the only source that actually helped me quit 2 years ago - i stood quit for 10 months. My stepson passed away and i went back...not a good thing, i know, I quit this past Sunday because not only do i have 3 children to live for, but i was feeling very short of breath after smoking. (side-note-i do suffer from anxiety so it was hard to distinguish if it was my anxiety or the smoke) I went to the doc Monday bc of the shortness of breath, long story short - they did a chest x-ray and said there was a questionable "nodule" on my lung (she said it could be nothing at all)...well, i have never been so terrified! the thought of having to tell my kids something was wrong w me bc i was selfish and smoked was killing me. Thank God, my follow-up CT scan was normal, and it was nothing. The pulmonologist gave me a breathing test - he said the middle branch (if that makes sense) of my lungs is where i am having difficulties , he said i can repair this as it is not bad at all...but keep smoking and it will be! :/ yikes! I am only 38 years old! Smoking is not worth it! Glad i found this site. I find that i keep "thinking" about smoking..i do not crave it....

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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