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Everything posted by Christa326

  1. @Linda Thomas i am sorry to hear of all this! but so proud you haven't smoked! i agree with Doreen, you have to put yourself first and by not smoking you are doing just that. during my first "good " quit my 12 year old (then 10) was diagnosed w/ osteomyelitis of his spinal disc and couldn't walk. with a lot of hospital time and recovery he is fine now, thank GOD. i thought of smoking then A LOT...but knew i had to be well for him. you can do this!
  2. thank you all...i got through it like i knew i would! i know smoking isn't going to make me feel better, bring him back, or anything positive. your words mean the world to me. Hope you are all having a great week! xx
  3. Christa326


    @My life, my recovery i do not know what happened that made you upset BUT boy can i relate!! this weekend/last week was more than trying for me and i made i too!! we can do this! keep telling yourself the fact: smoking will not make this better!!! literally only worse
  4. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am sorry your parents are this way and i can relate as my mom did not raise me and when i became an adult she expected me to take care of her....right.....i am sorry for your loss and yes this should make you stronger bc you do not want to get sick from a smoke related illness. i know we can do this! Our parents treat as such and it only makes us stronger!!
  5. Thank you!! yes i have to separate the 2. i get it. and know he would want me to be healthy for his little brothers and sister who he loved more than anything.
  6. Hola everyone! Just here for a little more motivation to help to stop associating certain things w smoking!!! so, help, i guess? :/ Some of you know how I ruined my last quit, by smoking when my stepson passed....every time (well most times) i get upset or see a pic of us (today i found one i hadn't seen since 2010.).i felt so upset and sad and thought (the thought not the want so much) of smoking.... i know the associations will diminish, i guess i just want to hear it from you all also. *sigh*
  7. hahahah i am sooo gonna steal Ilama! thank you!!
  8. congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Illpass
  9. I agree to the extent of being accountable to myself as far as smoking....but there is no denying some people are just miserable. I just have to learn how not to care so much!
  10. This is totally normal and it does pass!! You can do this!! Try to think of life before smoking - you may have been quite young but it existed! And you lived w/o it..if that makes any sense. Physical urges will diminish (for me anyway) and then it becomes mind over matter. Stay here, read, watch the videos! You WILL NOT want to be a smoker after that! You are stronger than the smokes!
  11. Those people were always that way but in these first few trying days, weeks, months it can seem tenfold!--- SO MUCH YES!!!!!!! That is a fact!! xx wow that is terrible that he said that!! i am sorry!! thank you for your words
  12. Hi All! I am putting this entry here and not SOS bc NO WAY is a person going to annoy me to the point of going back to smoking. I know I am stronger than that... But the past few days have been more than TRYING w certain people in my life. I know it is them, when i tell outsiders who are neutral (and very blunt people who i know will be honest) they do tell me what is going on is not my fault. I feel like I am being tested. Anyone ever feel this way? Me having a smoke isn't going to make people see who they really are!!! YESS!!!!
  13. omg so creepy....did you hear amma reference the Greek goddess when she is at the dinner table?? She said she was the woman in white..(i forgot the Greek goddess name) but also the little boy at the beginning of the series says he saw a woman in white take the young girl who got killed... YIKES this show makes my skin crawl
  14. Hi c9jane29! Thank you so much for checking in!! Stressful day was huge argument with the mother in law... SIGH!!!!!!!!! My husband said he was so proud bc i didn't smoke! LOL! I told him she could never drive me to smoke...which is a fact... I know that...but i cannot lie as we argued I had an urge! It passed!! Like it always will. x
  15. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? scenes in the credits?!! i have to go back, huh?? I just switched it off after "don't tell mama"
  16. I had a very stressful day and the urge was there but I made it through..... again, I wish I could just erase smoking from my mind completely.... like it doesn’t exist ? I know I’m stronger than it and I have to keep putting that thought in my mind
  17. Hi All! What are some of your favorite TV/Netflix etc shows?? My personal all time favorite is The Leftovers on HBO. American Horror Story (aside form the last few seasons) were great. Currently watching Castle Rock on Hulu, Sharp Objects on HBO (i really want to get the book) and The Sinner. OH! Any Stranger Things fans here?????????? How could I forget The Handmaids Tale!!!!!!!!
  18. i am not alone! whew. my friends used to bother me a lot for that :/
  19. Hi There- believe it or not, i worked out as a smoker too, (i still am, granted i have had my bouts of falling off the fitness train haha) I would have a smoke before and after the gym. ? so SAD! Now, I work out at home, it saves a lot of money!
  20. Hi all, For those who read my first post (if you're here and want to know more i will post again lol) shortness of breath - i would say 80% gone! and breathing SO much better! 10 days quit, is this even possible or is this my anxiety playing trick on me? haha...either way i will take it!!!
  21. you guys rock! thank youuuuuu
  22. hi c9jane29!! It is nice to hear that quitting was easier than expected for once haha! I do feel like this time is quite easy as well. And i LOVE the "take over the family tv for a quick workout video" because I have been doing this a lot more lately! Thank you for your kind words c
  23. Thank you for that! That is a great way of looking at it!
  24. I am doing great and i am proud of myself because last time i quit was so much harder (i feel my health scare has played a major role-almost like a second chance)I cannot lie it is really mind over matter, it has been 10 days and just yesterday the constant thoughts started, I HATE THAT! is there a way to erase this from my mind? LOL (wishful thinking, I know) But each time, I just think of my kids and how much they need me...HEALTHY.
  25. Thanks so much!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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