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Everything posted by Christa326

  1. ugh yeah...not a pretty picture! LOVE this - especially #3!! Thank you!
  2. Probably just a NOPE NOPE and a lot of you don't want that! ha! I am going to be around a lot of smokers on Saturday for a friend's 25th wedding anniversary party. I have drank and been around smokers but this is much more of a smoking crowd. I WILL stay strong. I can breathe easy and can RUN! Guess i am just looking for more motivation. Outings like this still scare me :/
  3. Hi there! Welcome!! I too have also smoked for a while (a few years longer than you) I have to say being here on this site, for me, is literally a game changer. Read as much as you can. I found reading and watching videos of those who sadly have fallen ill from smoking helped me...i do not want to ever be in that situation - no one does. It is just such a terrible addiction. You can do this! If i did and so easily--so can YOU! Mind over matter
  4. @Boo that is so kind of you! Thansk so much. I truly cannot believe it has not been as hard as I thought. I am so thankful for this!!
  5. Thank you all so much - i appreciate each and every one of these posts immensely! XO
  6. Thank you all!!!!!!!!! ?
  7. @MLMR THANK YOU!!! I really appreciate this! I haven't done anything really yet to celebrate this success......the weekend is here! Maybe a delicious meal! No drinks...we had our 25th anniversary party at the office and i had enough of those on Wednesday haha (and made it without a smoke!!! I used to smoke SOOO much if i drank!) and yes, this is much easier than anticipated bc i feel physically better
  8. N O P E !
  9. Hi everyone, Just popping in to say hello, how are you all doing? Tomorrow is 2 months for me! This am, i ran to catch the bus and my daughter said "WOW Mom! you're faster than me" LOL! I could not keep up w/her when I smoked and i even was able to easily catch my breath!!! Loving this quit. And forever thankful to you all. Xx
  10. wow! I never knew that was why!!!!!!!!! same!
  11. During my last quit i gained about 50 pounds because i basically replaced smoking with eating...and a lot of fatty foods. Now, i am conscience of this. Eating better and exercising. Overall, last time was so hard for me, I probably used food to make me happy bc i was so miserable not smoking (STUPID!!). I am happy to say this time around has been 80% better for me. I say everyone is different in all aspects of quitting, weight gain also.
  12. This is great, thank you for posting!!
  13. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Congratulations @Tammy
  15. @TobacNO Hi there!! I have to say this quit (39 days in!) has been a breeze for me. My life revolved around smoking. Eat, smoke, clean, smoke, work, go break to smoke...even work out then SMOKE! I feel so much better--breathing better, my skin looks better. It is just better! I feel this time it only took me about a week or so to feel normal. The thoughts are what are there now BUT then i just think about how good i feel and that is all it takes, or i come here, a life saving site!! You can do this! Mind over matter!
  16. oh SO GLAD!! It actually makes me ill thinking of it, especially the quantity . not good! it was so AWESOME!!! hair did not smell, dress still fresh (with the exception of a little sweat lol) it is a great feeling!!!
  17. @jillar @notsmokinjo thank you so much! I was so happy the next day like WOW! that wasn't so bad after all!!! (just kicking myself for alllll i used to smoke while drinking) gross.
  18. Hi Guys! Hope you all had a great weekend! So, for me this is huge and I am so proud of myself! Saturday night, my cousin got married..open bar, etc...i drank SO much (haha) and had a great time...i am not a drinker and when i did, the amount of smokes was disgusting. I cannot believe I did not smoke AT ALL!!! The thought passed my mind ever so briefly and then i smelled it on others and was all....NOPE!! Enjoying life w/o smoking is possible! WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO during my last quit, there was NO way i could drink bc i was too scared of smoking. I am so much stronger. Health scare or not. This is great!
  19. Thank you all for your kind words. I know, i cannot believe it has been a whole month!!!!! Being active on here is really what helps me so much so I owe you all all my gratitude, truly! Hugs!
  20. @Linda Thomas you are correct .. I have one more stepchild, a girl and also , 2 sons and 1 daughter. and yes , let’s do this together ! I am here and so is everyone one else on this site. We all understand each other. This site and these ppl are lifesavers !
  21. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! Keep up the awesome work!
  22. thank you, S! cannot lie, the thoughts are still there BUT i am stronger this time, It feels great. hugs!
  23. awesome! i cannot believe how much he looks like Freddy mercury!
  24. Hi All! I know this journey can be such a hard one so i wanted to share some of the greatness i have encountered during this quit, in hopes anyone struggling will read this and be motivated!! I am happy to say this quit has been much easier than my last. During my last, i didn't want to leave my house for months. I was pretty miserable. Now, i notice my anxiety has gone down SO much and my shortness of breath (and it is only been 29 days) More pluses: my husband said my skin is glowing! (i know smoking was making me look "gray??") if that makes sense...i notice this in other smokers i know. I have so much more uninterrupted play/cuddle time with my kids. I do not have to wash my hands before play/cuddles (we love to cuddle in my house lol) or spray perfume all over myself, which only masked the stink anyway. I was on the train with my little girl and a smoker sat next to me, he smelled terrible...this is what i used to smell like i am sure! Lastly, i did have a health scare (which thank God turned out to be nothing) which is maybe why this time is easier,.BUT---trust me people, you DO NOT want to have that fear in your heart. Knowing full well you could have stopped this, prevented a sickness, by quitting. I have never been so scared while waiting for results, so please, keep up the good work everyone!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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