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Everything posted by Christa326

  1. @MLMR thank you, and yes!! it is a great feeling
  2. that is rough that everyone around you smokes! They should not do it around you, at least in the beginning of your quit.Chin up. You can do this.
  3. Thank you all SO much!!! I just saw this, so kind and adding to my motivation. You guys are the best. xox
  4. This is a great post!! Love every word. Thank you, Marti & I am sorry for the loss of your Mom.
  5. You did it! That is what you tell yourself when people leave and you feel anxious bc you got through the worst. I just saw that you quit for a year and went back. I have been there too. You should be so excited bc you are so young and you are starting a great foundation for a happy, healthy life. GET EXCITED!!
  6. I feel like it bothers me because so many of us struggle to be 100% free of it, and for someone to walk around acting like they kicked it like that, is BS! Argh just venting. LOL!
  7. Hi Linda, I am sorry you are going through this...you are doing amazing especially by writing here, you got this! Sending you hugs and strength. c
  8. Hi all! I may be mistaken so please do not chop my head off. :/ On this board, the quitters are fully quit - no crutches like an ecig, vaping, etc? Yes? this, to me would be not a real quit. I know someone who is boasting about being smoke free but is using these devices. Is it crazy that this offends me?
  9. Thank you all for your always kind and motivating words!!! xxxx
  10. Hi Sazerac! It is going great - i almost cannot believe how well!! I feel great, look better, it truly just gets better!! Thank you!
  11. Hi all, Sorry i am late but wanted to wish all you beautiful people a Happy New Year!! Hope everyone is well! xx
  12. Thank you so much !!! i feel amazing.
  13. @Kate18 so sorry for your loss. my dad also had emphysema. you can do this, and this is a great support system. hugs!
  14. Christa326


    You got this!!! It WILL pass!!! I remember my first quit being the same, could NOT stop thinking about it.,,wanting to hit up the corner store. actually getting a little excited that i may just say screw it and do it. but NOPE it will pass. Good job on coming here. That shows you DONT want to smoke!!
  15. Hi Linda- No, no one was inside smoking but i smelled it a lot!! the doors were wide open :/ yes, you cannot smoke anywhere in NY either. Good thing! Happy Holidays
  16. Hi all, I just like to post randomly here because you all are a huge part of my success and I do not want that to be forgotten! I was out this weekend for my birthday and so many smokers were around, I did not realize so many people still smoked, or maybe it was just social smoking as we were at a bar! I was drinking and the thought of smoking did pass my mind, I cannot lie...but it lasted for about 3 minutes and I did not give in!! I am proud. I knew I would hate myself. How is everyone doing and coping with the Holiday season?????
  17. @c9jane29 heyyyyy!!! i am great - exhausted bc i stupidly had very strong Italian coffee last night way too late...up all night and now working...zzzzz excited for Thanksgiving! Cooking up a storm. How are you and what are your Holiday plans?
  18. ahhh we think "oh one will not kill me" but yes as addicts, it is not going to be just one! And even that one makes you a smoker. Point blank.. We can do this when stressed, drunk haha, etc. When my stepson passed I lit up the same night. I said it will just be to make it through the next few days..yeah OK! I smoked almost another 3 years. Never again. NOPE!
  19. Awesome, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Nice!! thank you @c9jane29 thank you
  21. Congratulations!!
  22. LEGEND! My oldest son looked up to him so much (he studies film) RIP Stan Lee!
  23. thank you @notsmokinjo i will celebrate , probably with FOOD!
  24. Oh so sweet you all!! Thank you so much!! It went so quickly (thank GOD!) lol . There is no turning back! Also went to that party w all those smokers and I was FINE! Had some drinks and not one urge and i smelled it on everyone, no bother except it smelled gross.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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