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Mee last won the day on April 4 2022

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About Mee

  • Birthday 01/19/1955

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  1. I have lived here all my life and this is my first tornado. I kept telling my husband we should get one of those whole house generators. I now think he agrees with me. We figured we have put $200.00 in gas to keep that generator going for four days now. I think we should get a discount on our electric bill. Troves of electric trucks and electricians have come from all over and are helping to get the power restored. It is heartwarming to see them work so hard and long hours. Many people and businesses , in the community and surrounding communities, have offered help in the way of food, water and charging stations.
  2. We actually had an F1 Tornado touch down in our area Tuesday, Aug 5th. Lots of damage and no power. We have been living off a generator that you have to fill with gas every three hours. We are all sleeping downstairs with a little battery operated fan. More and more we are thinking about getting a whole house generator. The weather has been so crazy anymore. It seems impossible to live without our computers and tv.
  3. Congratulations Doreen. You were a major figure in my quit. So happy and grateful for you!
  4. @DenaliBlues, I felt the same. How could we not feel at a loss. We smoked for every event in our lives. We smoked when we were celebrating, smoked when we were stressed. smoked when we were bored and smoked when we were depressed. How powerful we made that cigarette. The humor and people on this site kept me up and laughing. They showed me where my power was.
  5. @tocevoD Everyday it will get easier. Just keep focused on that freedom.
  6. Sportsfan66, I tried every possible way to quit and failed. This place helped me finally find freedom. Stick around, read the info and blogs and play some games. There is a group of wonderful people from around the world that are dedicated to helping you quit. You can do this!
  7. Congratulations this is a huge feat. Keep marching forward.
  8. How great. Keep that wonderful quit going!
  9. What a beautiful post. Unfortunately when we were addicted to the nicotene that next fix ruled our lives and we shut out what it was physically doing to our bodies.
  10. I have missed you too. I will definitely stay around.
  11. Welcome @Dejvis93. You can find freedom! You just have to stick with it. This is a great place for support and the only way I found to be successful. I smoked for 40 years and tried every way to quit. This place led me to freedom. Stick with it and you can make it too.
  12. Hi Lori. Glad you are here. This is a great place for support and the only place that helped me finally quit. Stick with us because freedom can be yours.
  13. Hi everyone. It has been a while. Life has been busy with enjoying retirement. I don't know how I fit everything in before. I have more time but not enough time to get things done. Probably because my day starts much later. Sleeping in, savoring a couple cups of coffee and relaxing on the porch. The next thing I realize, it is noon. I see some of my old supporters and friends. Jillar, Doreen, Reci. . . I am sure there have been many success stories since last I checked. I need to be a little more present. I miss the support and humor. How are all my old buddies doing? Mee
  14. @SavingMeFromMyself just keep that thought. Hate everything about smoking because it serves you no purpose. You can push through the tough days and find your way to freedom.
  15. Mee

    10 years free

    10 years is awesome. So glad you are doing so well.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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