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MichelleDoesntSmokeAnymore last won the day on May 16 2024

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About MichelleDoesntSmokeAnymore

  • Birthday February 3

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    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Web development, parrots , horses, music, cooking, fitness
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  1. I bet this gets asked all the time, but where do I adjust my ticker? (New quit date) I can’t even remember where I got the code the first time. I can do it either on my iPhone or on my laptop, whichever is easiest. Can anyone help tomorrow? I also need to update just the regular section that has my quit date in it. Much gratitude!!
  2. And I’m looking forward to the NOPE pledge tomorrow for Day 5. Also Note to self: remember the cravings were weaker today and remember to update your ticker I’m visiting my big sister. We went swimming today. I felt healthy and grateful. I didn’t have to fuss around worrying about having an opportunity to get my next puff, whether we were going to be there too long to keep the cravings at bay, etc all around a great day!
  3. OMGawsh Dave I’m so glad you’re still here!!! I have an autoimmune disease that affects my lungs so I REALLY have no business smoking or vaping. Other than that no smoking induced health problems (yet) so I’ll consider myself lucky. Cancer in particular must have been horrifying
  4. Thank you all. Every single reply helped me, really. I’m in the throes of some serious cravings, but I refuse to give in. I don’t even want to chew the nicotine gum I have because that’ll just start the cycle over. I’m trying to just ride it all out. My last vape was Saturday about 10:30 in the morning so that puts me at about four full days if you don’t count Saturday since it wasn’t a full day quit. So Sunday one, Monday two, Tuesday three, today four, so I’m gonna say I’m on day four today not yesterday. I’m finally sleeping better. I had a hard time staying asleep the first few days. I can take a nice deep breath, which is so wonderful. But then the cravings hit like a brick hitting me in the face. At least they don’t last that long.
  5. Anyone who knows me (and I realize not everyone does lol) knows I’ve come and gone a lot. I wanted to celebrate that I’m on day four which is the farthest I’ve gotten in a long time. Luckily I’m visiting a non smoking relative for another six days. That helps. No access, and I’m in a non smoking environment/culture. It’s my big sister that I’m visiting. She dotes on me like a mom…it would break her heart if I smoked. The challenge starts when I get home. Though I’m ultimately doing this for myself, thoughts of my lil not-quite-two-year-old, my daughter (her mom) and my son all play into this. My mom died from complications of pneumonia due to smoking at 62, when my kids were only 14 and 11. I’m 57 now, close to the age my mom was when she died. I’m at risk. Who knows what would happen if I got pneumonia? prob to much for me to be putting out there but maybe it will help someone else. anyway, I’m staying this time.
  6. Great advice! It just so happened that I DID do something different. I drove all the way there, then to the next appointment, then home, with all the windows up! I didn't have to crack a window for the vape cloud of have to keep fiddling with the heater to find a comfortable temperature. Since I vaped, instead of smoking, and I vaped a mildly flavored mint ecig, the car doesn't really smell. just smells of my air freshener. Thank you Reciprocity! I did have trouble figuring that out. Which is the main board? The Quit Smoking Discussion thread?
  7. 18 hours in...and 8 of those were sleeping....I have my first hurdle coming up. Its time for my typical Sat morning errands. Driving is a huge trigger for me. I never vaped in the house so the thought of being out of the house always excited me as I was getting ready to go. "Its almost time!" I'm about to get in the shower and start getting ready and my brain is already going. Everytime I have a craving...and they are very mild on Chantix, they are thoughts not really physical cravings...I tell myself "I don't need nicotine. I am healthy". Reframing how I think about nicotine. Insanely cold ice water helps me a lot too so I'll bring some of that. Wish me luck. I'll check in as I go along and thank you again for your support in my recovery.
  8. Welcome! I'm back too and not too far off from you. My last vape was at noon yesterday. Lets keep in touch so we can support each other, both being newbies and all
  9. Thank you everyone. The support here is beautiful. I see some posts from people who quit after I did, which was just noon yesterday. I'm going to go see if I can support them. That's how it works, right? Thanks to those who helped with my profile edit and signature...mission accomplished! Now to add a more recent photo. Now that I've introduced myself on this thread, do I post my regular posts about how I'm doing, etc in this thread or in the Quit Smoking Discussion threat? Is this one just for introductions? The Quit Smoking Discussion thread is full of very old posts unless I'm not sorting right. I'm sorting by Recently Updated
  11. Can anyone tell me how to edit my quit date? I can’t find an edit button on my profile. And do we still have tickers?
  12. Hi everyone, I threw my last ecig in the trash at the grocery store at noon today. I’ve been on Chantix for a few weeks. It’s time. Only two mild thoughts (not physical cravings) so far. Thinking positive. I have quit many times. Twice for a year each time. It’s usually anger that takes me back. Then it’s years before I’m ready to try again. I’m ready to stop the insanity.
  13. One day at a time...sometimes one hour or one minute at a time....NOPE!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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