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    15 May 2015

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  1. Dear All, Thanks all for your kind wishes. Take care. Rajag
  2. Dear All, Time to time I visit this website. Now I am extremely happy to inform you all that I crossed 9 years, 28 days of smoke free. Somehow I managed it. So I hope every smoker can become a non smoker. Thanks you all for the wishes. Cheers, Raja
  3. Dear All, I happy to announce that I crossed 100 months (exactly 100 months and 8 days OR 8 years 4 months 8 days) of smoke free. Thanks for your support. Cheers, Raj
  4. Hello All, Thanks for your wishes! Cheers, Raj.
  5. Hello All, I am very happy to announce that I have not smoked for the past 8 years and wish to live without smoking. By today I am smoke free for 8 yrs 1 month and 4 days. Thanks a lot for your advice, help and encouragement. Cheers, Raj.
  6. Hi, Congratulations regards, Raj
  7. Dear all, thanks for your wishes. cheers, Raj
  8. Dear All, As I said earlier, I am now smoke free for 7 years and 21 days. I feel very proud to announce of being a non smoker. Thanks for your wishes. Cheers, Raja.
  9. Dear All, Thanks for replying and wishing me..and encouraging me,,,, Jordan7: Yes relatively younger age! But from 1996 till 2015, i.e roughly in my very young I smoked (age: 18 to 37 yrs). But any way past is always past...I got many chances of smoking,,,But I simply avoided and no one compelled me to smoke. I will post my 7 yrs after 3 months. Cheers, Raj.
  10. Hearty wishes
  11. Dear all, I rarely visit this forum. But time to time I used to think of my smoke free life and think of posting a message. May be this short message be a inspiration to others who are really interested in quitting smoking. Today I am very happy to announce that I am smoke free for 6 yrs, 9 months and 13 days. Hopefully my lungs might have cleaned to some some extent (my age 43). Just 3 more months for 7 yrs. That is a long way I succeeded. Cheers, Raj.
  12. Hello All, I am very happy to inform you all that I am smoke free for the past 5 yrs, 10 months and 15 days..and still continuing as a non smoker... Regards, Raja
  13. Dear All, Thanks all for the pleasing wishes with super gif images...especially beazel.. I will try the ticker but if not works properly, then will ask jillar, the ticker expertise. Cheers. Raj.
  14. Dear all, Again I here to announce my status of being non smoking. Yes, I am very happy to inform all here that I have not smoked for more than 5 years (exactly: 5 yr and 25 days). I really cannot believe myself!! wish you all to a successful quit. These days I feel like a person who have never smoked in his life. Hopefully my lungs might be cleaned completely. I also tried to add a ticker, which may or may not show correctly. Cheers, Raj.
  15. Thanks all for your kind wishes...by today 4321 !!! which means 4 yrs 3 months 21 days smoke free

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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