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Everything posted by rustycolts
Sunny,Congratulations on a week that is a great accomplishment! I think day 3 and 4 have been the worse for me.The urges have not seemed as bad lately. Hopefully the days of the intense cravings are over.Now maybe it is going be more of a mental thing.Which may not be good for me my front porch light burns a little dim sometimes.
Thanks Sunny you are not far behind.Keep it up.
Well there was one and I guess it was because I had been watching Survivor.I had to drink a glass of egg yolks,one glass of milk and a Mountain Dew before anyone else.Now this was just like I was standing in my kitchen type of clarity just strange.
I am thinking about stopping Chantix myself.The dreams are just so vivid.I am afraid I might slug my wife in my sleep.Congrats Sunny almost a week under your belt.
Thanks guys today so far has been good and yesterday not nearly as bad as the 3rd and 4th day.You guys have been a god send.Funny that I was reading one of Joels article about becoming to reliant on one thing for help. The article was about internet sites for support he asked what happens if the site goes down or you lose internet.Guess what happened yesterday I lost internet service most of the day so bye bye support group made it ok though.I am thinking about stopping Chantix dreams are just two vivid,plus if I can make it through days like 3 and 4 as intense as those cravings were I am thinking maybe I can make it without Chantix. .
Now I know things must be bad.My wife just told me to go buy a bag of weed.Neither of us have smoked since the 70s.I must really be turning into a lunatic.
Thanks Ren I think it was a little easier last time because I was still working 12 hours a day.Retired a little early and now I have a lot of free time which before now I would have never considered a bad thing.
Thanks Sunny I appreciate it.If you need anything I have your six as well.
I am not giving up but man I don't think I can go through another day like yesterday.
I swear I am about to go to the hospital and have them induce a coma and keep me in a vegetative state for the next 3 months at least that way I wouldn't feel anything.These last two days have been miserable.I mean the cravings have been constant I just about gave up the ghost yesterday.I just do not remember it being this bad the last time I stopped.Of course my wife smokes and that is not making it any easier.She is going outside and did switch to menthol because she knows I hate those,but at this point the type of cigarette does not matter,hell at this point I would smoke a rolled up magazine.
I think the 3rd and 4th day may be the worse because nicotine is completely leaving your body.Hang in there Sunny.I know I could stick a whole pack in my mouth rite now and lite it with a blow torch I am jonesing so bad.
We are on the same day Sunny you have a great attitude keep it up.
I sure wish there was a way to bottle these feelings so if I am ever stupid enough to listen to that voice in my head that says just one puff won't hurt.I could open it up and for just a second and experience these intense miserable feelings for just a second so maybe I wouldn't be stupid enough to start this crap again. I must have the mac daddy of all cravings because these babies last a lot longer than any 10 to 20 minutes even with chantix. I stopped the last time cause Doc told me I had nodules on my lungs.After I had stopped for awhile they had actually shrunk some the doc said.You would have thought that in itself would have been enough to cement my quit.Oh no not really because you know bad stuff happens to other people so once again I started smoking.Well the deciding factor this time is I get so short of breath.I walk Bo my Bloodhound and it happens heck I get short of breath just laying in bed.So this time I am going to be successful.I just hope I haven't waited too long.So anyway good morning everyone and thanks for the support.NOPE
Thanks,I actually looked for the old board but could not find it?I am pretty much a hurricane vet having lived in Fl all my life.I absolutely will not use that as an excuse again.After I know my pets and house are ok its a hotel for us somewhere there is power.Sure am glad I found this board.
Thanks guys.
Sunny have you tried Chantix? I have been using that.Was working pretty good until today. The cravings were not as intense I hope today is just aberration.
Thank you.It is nice having a support group to get you through the tough times.
Was it that one?I couldn't find it.I know it sure helped I wish I could have reached out during Irma probably would have saved my bacon.
LoL kissing the fish for luck.Need all I can get.
Last year I tried to quit after 45 years of smoking.I had stopped for about 6 months and then hurricane Irma came through.Well after about the 6th day without power I had had it and started again.Actually I just used that as an excuse to start again I was weak.I have decided to give it another go. Last time a forum group really helped me with support so I wanted to join for the back up.I started my quit again 75 hours and twenty minutes ago.Today has been a real test wish me luck