Well, I need to try. I guess you're thinking, "Don't try, but do". Excuse me, it's my post.
Throughout my life, I have defiled myself through most ways known to man, by trying to eradicate or “live up to” the evil within. Contradictory, isn't it. Instead of facing and pushing against the foulness, I chose to run from it and by doing so, ran from life itself, however we know life to be. The spirit of God, Nature's adaptive process, Animal instinctual will to survive ... I have tried to extinguish, what is within. I have come to believe, that one can not do this. Life is inherent. It remains. It is not a choice.
I have hurt the ones closest to me. The little ones that accepted me as I was, and needed me to be there, when I wasn't. My grandfather and father, who knew only too well, what I was trying to do. Here I am still. Instead, I have ruined whom, I should have fought to preserve.
So, what remains?
I “need to try”, to elicit the immortal within us. To turn and stand firm, to face the beast. I “need to try” to harness the forces I have pushed against.
I haven't quit. I have begun. “I will do”. If only, through small leaps of faith.