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Everything posted by Novokezdet

  1. Thank you guys for making me feel so much at home and for the advises & tips, I'm still going strong on my 6th day and looking forward to the 7th, Last Friday the guy I worked with simply left the company putting me in a $%&# position as now I have to deal with a whole warehouse by myself, Funny enough he didn't stop there, yesterday he got access to my email and tried to get into the system to steal information under my name, I don't know where I'm getting all the strength to hold myself from smoking, but there must be someone watching over me, Now I have to deal with the police, testify and stuff like that, What a year! On the other side of things, I feel like Gollum from Lord of The Rings when I see food, haha. I hope you guys have had a better week than I did.
  2. Thank you Sazerac, I could use all the confidence in my life I can get, hitting rock bottom was such an experience. Thank you Doreensfree, I'll try my best to do the daily pledge! Thank you WeegieWoman, I've tried NHS support but they have cut the funds in my area for the quit smoking program, Although, paying for the patches is a reminder & inspiration to keep going. Thank you Frezflops, I've actually just came back from a 30m run, my body is so messy right now that 30m a day will have to do until I gather more strength. Thank you everyone who for giving me such a warm welcome, I truly feel blessed to be around such amazing people. You guys are amazing!
  3. Thank you notsmokinjo, The worse part is already done which was the drinking, Now the smoking it's a matter of time, I'm currently using 24mg nicotine patches as I don't have enough will power to cold turkey right now, It feels like cheating but I guess it's better to take 1 over 4.000 chemicals.
  4. Thank you beazel, I'll be sure to read as much as possible, it'll be a time consuming and informative task, which is great!
  5. Hello Quit Train Community, On the new years resolution I had so many plans, yet everything escalated quickly, In January I finished my 5 year relationship with the person that made discover what love really was, After the break-up I didn't know how to deal with the situation, so smoking more, drinking & other things became an option, It got to the point where my housemates wouldn't even talk to me anymore, At the beginning of this month I've seeked for help as my work was getting in danger as well, With that wake up call, I have decided to wash my past away and put my head up, I'm done with the drinking and on the 18th I've decided to be done with smoking as well, Now I'm here sharing my long story short with you guys. On the other side, the weather is lovely in London, How are you guys ?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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