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Everything posted by d2e8b8

  1. Glad to see you back on the wagon again. Sometimes it takes more than 1 attempt. Please use the SOS before doing anything else - it will help save your quit.
  2. 3 days down, 3 more to go. Didn't have too many hunger pangs but did experience cramping which is when I remembered to drink salt water. Wouldn't recommend waiting till day 3 though. I just forgot. Did a 5k trail run but the legs felt tired.
  3. That you're posting here instead of doing anything else is good. Please don't hesitate to use the SOS - it really is a great quit too to save your quit. The whole act of posting and engaging in a conversation with helpful folks helps to overcome the cravings and guess who's the boss of cravings now ... My tool was a hammer that I used on the crave while screaming in my head "DIE CRAVE DIE". Except I did scream it out loud at work once. There are many tools, please do use whatever works best for you.
  4. Day 2 done, 4 more to go. Had some serious and persistent hunger pangs between 1 & 5. It should ease up tomorrow onwards. Yesterday - did a 6.5k run plus a pull workout. Today - Bit of rain so no outdoor activity - will do a leg workout now.
  5. Nope!
  6. Time flies and it's Apr - time for the next long fast. Started a 6-day fast and day 1 will be done in less than 2 hours. This reset is badly needed as discipline hasn't been too good lately. Don't know why sometimes I get into "I don't really care what harm I do to myself" type of mindset - trying to put it behind me and move forward with a positive mindset. I can't say smoking thoughts did not occur .... but never too seriously .... so that's a good thing.
  7. Nope!
  8. Nope!
  9. That is awesome @nicotine_free! Stay alert and KTQ!
  10. @JustinHoot99 glad you're back and trying again. This is the most insidious addiction and it has ability to derail especially when we stop being on guard for a moment. Feel free to write meandering posts here - a lot of us have likely done it. As long as you're here, it's all good. Which ... next time when the urge hits, please do post an SOS- it is one of the best mechanisms to keep the quit.
  11. Nope!
  12. Nope!
  13. Nope!
  14. Nope!
  15. Nope!
  16. Nope!
  17. Nope!
  18. Had to google it to get the architectural reference.
  19. Nope!
  20. Re-reading 'Stranger in a Strange Land' and was surprised to find a brief reference to intermittent fasting. The author didn't use the label - just mentions briefly that the main characters ate infrequently and the hero Mike Smith ate every few days. It was interesting that the concept was introduced that far back (although fasting has existed much longer in most cultures in some form or other so perhaps not a surprise).

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