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Everything posted by Avian

  1. Congratulations L4L!! I remember when you were just a baby quitter. Look at you now!!
  2. Congratulations Bakon!!
  3. Thank you, Abby! Thanks, Cristobal! It's good to see you! Hope you and your wife are doing well.
  4. Thank you, Bakon!
  5. Thank you , Lin, so much!! I miss you and wish only the best for you.
  6. TobacNO, another one celebrating one year smoke free! Congratulations!! It's great to see so many succeed.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS, Kdad, on your big ONE........year that is!!! Hope you are having a great day!
  8. Thank you Joe! I am doing very well. Thanks Jordan! It is so good to see you too! Thank you Paul! I only hope I might have encouraged at least one person to quit smoking.
  9. Thank you L4L and I appreciate you saying that! Thanks for your congratulations, Garry! Love you too, Saz!!
  10. Thank you Reci for acknowledging the anniversary of my quit date! That means a lot. And I also want to thank Doreen, Johnny, Roz, Saz, Jill and Martian. I really appreciate your recognition and congratulations. Anyone that is here to quit, PLEASE, give it all your effort to never ever take one puff again. To relapse is torture. To continue making the effort to hang on by the skin of your teeth no matter how difficult you think it is, will get you to that comfortable place in life where smoking is a thing if the past and you will finally feel like the non smoker you were born to be.
  11. Hi Andi! I am assuming this is the same Andi I remember from the past. I'm sorry if I am mistaken. Your name brings back memories of a man named Skip that truly helped me in my early quit. I know he was very special to you and I remember you sharing the news of his passing. I still miss him very much. Congrats on your 12 years smoke free!
  12. When i read this, I had to sign in to say how I am totally in agreement with everything you said. This is exactly how I lose weight. I find it the least complicated of all the diets and it works like a charm.
  13. ...but thought I would take a chance. I tried to bump one of his threads that was brought from QSMB and posted here, but was unable to locate them. I was reminded on Facebook today by a close friend of it being 5 years December 28 since the passing of jwg. I don't know how many remember his inspiring and funny well written posts. If you do, you would know what a special person he was. He was not only special to the members that read them, but even more special as a personal friend to some of us that kept in closer contact with him up until the very end. I just thought I would bring this up in case anyone that was touched by his writings would like to remember him once again. For me, it seems like only yesterday he was diagnosed with cancer at such a young age and the day he passed is still fresh in my mind. I will always miss him.
  14. Congratulations Sarge!! I couldn't help but think of you when I saw this parmesan crusted pesto grilled cheese. Yummm! I need to try this but first I need some basil.
  15. CONGRATULATIONS Johnny on your 4 years smoke free!! Thanks for all the time you have taken to pay it forward, the celebrations you once posted and still do. You always make sure nobody is overlooked when it comes to congratulating, welcoming and helping someone quit smoking. I hope you are doing something special this weekend to celebrate.
  16. L4L I think of you like one of the QSMB babies and I am seeing you reach your 2 year birthday.? Great job on your two years smoke free!! I hope you are having a great day!
  17. Thank you Jo and everyone! If someone had not reminded me yesterday that it has been 8 years since I quit smoking, I probably would have forgotten all about it. NOT!! Until dementia sets in I will never forget the day I chose to, at least try, to quit smoking and it became a success. I can NEVER forget such an accomplishment. I will never forget the first day where I was so scared and went from minute to minute consumed with the thought that I will never smoke again. How was I going to do everyday tasks, drink coffee or wine, have a good meal, have interesting conversations, have fun, reward myself for a job well done, deal with stress, all without a cigarette being involved? OMG what if somebody close to me died? I would for sure have to smoke then. Everything that could have gone wrong the first few weeks did go wrong, including a loved ones death, but as difficult as it was, I fought through the urges. I didn't complicate it. Each time I had an urge to smoke, I would stop what I was doing, tell myself "smoking is not an option, now get on with life" and continue with whatever I was doing. I must have told myself that thousands of times. It was something that really helped me. It is so worth all the difficulties you have to go through to be free from cigarettes. Everyone's timeline is different, but you will gradually get to a point where you realize you are no longer fighting the addiction, take a deep breath and settle in to a comfortable non smoker's life. AND each year it gets even better.
  18. Love you both!!
  19. Beazel, you sure have come a long way from that self-doubting girl I remember way back when. Happy to see that you made it!
  20. Congratulations on your 1 year smoke free, We Fluffy Me!! ?
  21. Congratulations, Doreen, on your five years smoke-free!! And thank you for taking so much time in these past five years paying it forward even with all you had to go through.
  22. Did he eat your hibiscus?
  23. CONGRATULATIONS on your 5 years Nancy!! I want to thank you for all the time you put in and all the many people you inspired on the QSMB. Although they aren't able to congratulate you and thank you for the major influence you had on their quits, I am sure they will never forget and will miss you very much.
  24. ...for all the positive pm' s and emails I received from former QSMB members and 3 very special QT member's. I really do appreciate them. Thank you so so much!! ??
  25. That's okay. I'm not sure if I ever welcomed you publicly. Let me go check! Oh that's right, there is nothing to check!?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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