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Everything posted by Wren18

  1. Well done Ankush that's brilliant
  2. Well done MLMR
  3. Hi Del, glad you're here because this is where you do really get the support that...i agree with you...is often lacking from friends and family who don't always understand. My son hated me smoking yet after I quit he barely mentioned it! At the end of the day you do it for yourself, reading the celebrations here after each month of quitting were an enormous personal boost and learning about addiction was the biggest help of all. All the physical symptoms will ease off soon and you can worry about the extra bit of weight in a little while. Hope you get back on track with the quit and hope you stick around here
  4. Congratulations Kate!
  5. Well done Kermit, a year is brilliant, hope you're celebrating
  6. Well done Octain that's brilliant!
  7. Big Congratulation Martian on your one year
  8. Congratulations Sslip and a thank you from me. Yours was a name that i associated with my quit as it was around the same time and I was motivated by your posts. Without knowing it you were a quit buddy for me, hope that doesn't sound too weird but sure you know what i mean! So pleased you've reached the year mark and that it's had such a positive impact on your life. Happy celebrating
  9. This is amazing, congratulations Chrispy
  10. Congratulations Jay, this is brilliant and a milestone, keep going!
  11. Well done Sparky, keep going and celebrate
  12. Wow! Brilliant Bassman
  13. Thanks very much everyone ? see you soon Martian!
  14. I don't know the percentage of UK members here but P2P is right, all the help and advice being given by our NHS and Government is that Vaping is considered an aid to quitting, and the message being pushed is that it is a safer alternative to smoking. They said that in a the stop smoking clinic and even on facebook where i saw a clip showing the 'latest research' that vaping is better for you than smoking because there is little to no tar from it. Personally i find all this really really worrying and i just can't understand why that message is being sent out publicly. The tar may be less but i'm pretty sure inhaling those chemicals is not healthy for your lungs. And most importantly there is still nicotine addiction..people i know who vape get just as distressed if they don't have it with them or can't vape. A long post for me... i can see P2P's point...but Leon, as others have said please try and find a way to help you quit other than vaping. And the best of luck and good wishes.
  15. Hi Kitano, well done on quitting and hope you stick around. There really is a lot of support and good advice here whenever you need it. Try not to think too far ahead
  16. I'm a bit late in saying hello Jack, but hello and welcome. Congratulations on your 5 days quit, the first week is tricky (and maybe a bit of a shock) but you're nearly there and it gets better...keep checking in to QT it's a great place.
  17. Congratulations Albert, 9 months is fantastic!
  18. Congratulations Dragons and keep going as it gets easier
  19. Very nearly there Catlover, you should be proud!
  20. Brilliant Linda, well done on the 5 months
  21. Brilliant Farmgirl, well done and celebrate!!
  22. Well done Fab, brilliant job
  23. Hi tocevoD, 2018 is almost gone. It's great you're back, success to you in 2019

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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