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Everything posted by Rasdaan

  1. Sorry for taking so long! I have been trying to keep busy with school n whatnot. My doctors appointment will be on the 10th, and I am hoping we can find a good combination. That being said though, I need to get back into regular exercise. Last time I did well in an attempt, I was exercising way more than I am now. Quitting feels so hard lately. I have such a difficult time staying focused on anything let alone school! Thank you to both you and Jenny. It is nice to know that I am not alone in feeling the way I do.
  2. <3 Thank you very much Sazerac! Doctors appointment is scheduled! Unfortunately he is out on vacation, but I should be seeing him in a week and a half!
  3. Truthfully JB's response didn't bother me, I have heard that point of view from many people and I do know that at the end of the day, they mean well. That being said, I have scheduled an appointment with my doctor to discuss adjusting my medications. I feel like that is going to be a good way to go, and I hope that we can find the combination that makes a difference in my efforts. I am taking a low dose of Wellbutrin, and I am thinking I would possibly do better if we increased that dose, and got rid of my cymbalta since I am not too sure if that is doing anything. Obviously that is just guessing on my end, its all up to what the doctor thinks. Thanks again to everyone who is taking time to give me advice, even JetBlack. Medication isn't going to be a magical fix, and I really do need to go outside more, and change up my lifestyle if I am going to do this.
  4. I should talk to my doctor, sometimes I get worried because last time I brought it up, he said mood stabilizers were the next choice we had. Don't worry, I am no stranger to suicidal thoughts, but that doesn't make them less scary. I will try and keep this quit going, maybe I should consider NRT. E cigarettes are something I tried, but didn't like due to them breaking down easily, and not enough evidence for health for me to justify continuing use. How do you guys like Nicorette?
  5. So I had an attempt to quit smoking that went about 2 and a half weeks, and it ended when I was hit with suicidal feelings and some intense panic attacks. I do struggle with depression and anxiety (chemical imbalance), and I always struggled with finding ways to cope without tobacco in my life. I feel like my medications are stable when I do smoke, but whenever I try to quit, I find myself getting lower than most points in my life, and feelings of hurting myself comes up. I tried daily exercise, and distracting myself. But the depression kept nagging, and so did the thoughts of going down to the gas station. I would be lying if I said it was all just from my diagnosed depression, things in life have been pretty rough between school, and finding out my father doesn't have much time left. Sometimes I feel like I am shutting myself in the house because I feel like I will buy cigarettes if I leave the house. Going into day 2, I feel like I am getting those self harming feelings again. Are there other people here who have dealt with similar issues? What worked for you? I want to feel positive about this positive decision. I don't want to feel like I am giving up cigarettes, I want to feel like I am ridding myself of cigarettes!
  6. Thank you very much to all who took time to reply to this thread! I should have been more specific, I have cut back in the past, but today I can say that I have tore up the package I currently have. I do fully intend to give this another shot. Currently I am using an app on my phone that seems like it will be helpful. It keeps track of the time you spend smoke free, the money you are not spending on cigarettes, and keeps track of what parts of your body heals during the time frame (one example is that it keeps track of how long it takes for my sense of taste and smell to return). I feel that it will serve as a good reminder as to why I am doing this. EDIT: I also intend to quit cold turkey in this attempt. As I said in the past, I have managed to cut down to 1-3 cigarettes a day. That being said, I feel I cut down to a point where I have more anxiety about the habit than actual nicotine addiction. I bought a big box of gum at Costco to pull me through oral cravings.
  7. TL;DR: My name is Jordan, and I look forward to meeting people on this forum who can help give advice about quitting, so that I can overcome what feels impossible, and live a healthier life. Hello everyone! My name is Jordan, I am 21 years old, and I started smoking about 2 and a half years ago. Youth of my generation were educated on smoking enough to where there was no way you could start without knowing what the risks were. So why did I start? At 16 years old, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Feels like it was 1-1/2 to 2 years before we found a medication that put me into remission. Around when I was 17-18, I was at 110lbs, and still losing weight. I thought I was going to die. I didn't realize that there was a long list of medications I could still try that would likely work, so I started smoking because I was curious about it, and thought I wouldn't be around much longer anyway. Well, one life saving drug and not dying later, I found myself smoking. It was something that I used to comfort myself, which is one of the best ways you can get yourself addicted. I had convinced myself I wasn't going to smoke long, but its already been longer than I am proud of. Truthfully, I want to quit because I am scared. My Crohn's disease is treated by medications that suppress my immune system, so I am already at greater risks of undesirable things. I don't want to put myself in a spot where my family has to watch me slowly die again. I have every reason to quit, but even though that is the case, that doesn't make it easy. I have tried e-cigarettes, which I have decided I need to steer clear from. They just break too easy, and make you think of tobacco. The furthest I have ever gone without cigarettes was about 5 weeks in the time I have been smoking. At my worst I was at half a pack a day. I have cut down to as little as 3 cigarettes a day, but as easy as cutting back felt, actually giving the sticks up is another thing. I recently went back into smoking after 4 weeks tobacco free, and I want to give it another try. This time, I have an app that should help remind me why I am doing this, and now I am joining this forum hoping that I can meet people with experience, and advice that can help me get to where I need to be. Not smoking cigarettes again.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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