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Everything posted by bmart

  1. People will smoke more, more sales will occur, more taxes will be paid to the govt. That simple.
  2. It's been three months for me, not too bad. here's what I did -- Got a box of patches ready. Marlboro sends out great coupons for their ecig thing. Get a unit and some of the cartridges ready (10 cartridges and a unit came out to $20 for me, i still have some 3 mos later). I also got 5 bags of sunflower seeds. For the first week i had the patch on each day, during cravings i had seeds. my wife and i drink frequently at a bar near here, the ecigs were a massive help while we were there (we still use them, mainly at the bar and not always). if there's a big event or party where i'll be drinking heavily, i will wear half a patch (i don't cut them, i just peel off one of the backing pieces and stick half of it on me). Probably doesn't help you at this point, but we had planned the timing for after the stress of holidays and for during the winter (we're in the North East). We don't smoke inside and it's damn cold out a lot of the time. Sounds minor but it has definitely helped a lot. in my opinion, for the extremely bad cravings (later in your quit, use patches first) and triggers (ie. drinking at the bar or driving) the ecig things have kept me most sane. i think it's funny that, when i used to smoke, i thought they were the most ridiculous things ever. good luck!
  3. Thanks for all of your responses, very welcoming. I'm not a member of any other forum but I will probably be around here more frequently. In the beginning, places like this and even things that discussed health and the benefits of not smoking were big triggers. Just to make things a little more clear, the patches have two pieces of cellophane on the back, just like a band-aid. I was just curious about removing one of the backings and using that sticky part, then saving the other sticky part for later. I'm trying to figure out things I can't find the answers to. For example, if i stick half of it on, am i getting half the dosage (12mg) or half the time (12hr). nothing crazy, thought someone might have had an answer. thanks.
  4. Hello everyone. I've had a questions since my quit regarding HRT Patches (specifically Nicoderm CQ). I quit on Jan 2, no smoking or dip since (fwiw quitting dip is harder than quitting smoking)... I'm doing fine but I have had a nagging question since I've stopped... so, i do not know and cannot find detailed info about the engineering of the patches and how they actually deliver nicotine. for example, there are four layers. is the nicotine layer viscous? can it move around throughout the surface of the patch? my reason for this is the following -- can i simply peel off one half of the backing and expect to get half of the dosage of the patch? this way i can use one half of a patch at a time - and get a lower dosage. I have 2 boxes of 21mg patches left but i don't want to throw on a whole patch if i only feel like i need a little bit. i'm sure as hell not buying another, lower step box at $40 (US). Thanks for any input. EDIT - I know i'm not supposed to cut them, so that is why i was curious about doing this.

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