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Everything posted by WeegieWoman

  1. This piece is called name the glass
  2. Oooo you'll need to show us @jillar ?
  3. Can we do a Halloween theme my birthday is Halloween. I think i did slightly better this time
  4. Hi Benson. I used patches and lozenges in my quit and I would not be here at 10 months quit without them. I was only on the patches for around three weeks but I remember prior to coming off them asking the same thing . I felt very dependant on them. But then my pal who was also using the patches said if I'm on these patches forever, so be it, I'm not smoking! And I thought, he's right. And low and behold a week or so later I stopped them. Don't panic about being on them, how long you'll be on them, or how you'll get off them. You are not smoking and that is the main thing. My coming off them just happened naturally, I had the odd day that I totally forgot to put one on. And when I realised that I was like wow!!! Maybe I don't need these as much as i thought. Once that happened a few times I decided to try without and I've been without since. The lozenges were great, having them there 'just in case. I've not had a lozenge for many months but I actually found a packet of the lozenges stuffed in my life jacket recently. It made me smile as that's where I used to stash my fags. Times change eh ? 31 days is amazing, well done you! And just keep going!
  5. Its spin after work for me
  6. Hi Allen, I'm ten months quit. I never really felt irritable and never got bad cravings. I had what felt like a fog and I was eating more and exercising less. I'm still kinda doing that ha! But i feel like the fog has cleared. But that lasted a few months for sure. But that period was not all bad, I was buzzing every day because I wasn't smoking! My 'normal' now is very different to my previous smoking self 'normal'. And without a shadow of a doubt it's much better and I'm a much better person for it. More chilled, happier, more confident, richer, smell better, healthier....i could go on and on. The more positive you are the easier your quit will be, celebrate every day, do not dwell on any smoking thoughts, that's what I did anyway ?
  7. I voted sea, though I tried to doodle a sea scene myself, many times, and they were all terrible. Good luck lassies!
  8. Am I a sick fantasy?
  9. Metafit followed by yoga coming up
  10. Oooo check you jo! They are GREAT! Is it tricky to draw on that material? Was it just pens you used?
  11. Hi Nik, I used the patches and lozenges in the beginning. And got them free from uk pharmacy. Which was good 1. Because got the products for free but 2. It was good having someone checking in every week that wasn't a friend or family. Are you in the UK and could utilise this service? Take all the help you can get! Thats what i did anyway! Welcome back Nik, make yourself at home.
  12. I think painting would be fun. I'd love a nice sea scene with boats and let go all out and have a lighthouse too! Or paint your pets...might be easier to draw a pet. And heck a self portrait is always funny! I'd love to be able to draw or paint. It would just be so chilled to pitch up somewhere on a nice day and paint the scene for an hour. Good for you jo, I hope you enjoy it and it helps. I don't have any materials but I might chuck in a wee sketch at some point.
  13. One time I parked up in the supermarket and was finishing my fag and pinged it out the window. This obviously wound some eagle eyed person up as when I returned to my car after shopping my fag end had been placed on my car bonnet!! I also got a fifty quid fine for dropping a fag end in Glasgow city centre. I was a bad lassie littering my fag ends ha! Though after that fine I'm sure I did stop!
  14. You CAN do this parsley. Hopefully that moment has passed for you, let us know you are ok!
  15. 45 min spin class after work for me, whats everyone else upto?
  16. Long row coming up, hoping it stays dry
  17. I think this is my seventh attempt. Each one I learned a lot! I tried lots of different quit methods: gum, patches, lozenges, champix, hypnotherapy, nhs weekly support, pharmacy support. This time stuck as I've said before but three people I know got diagnosed with cancer in one week. I quit that week and I've been strong ever since. FYI the one lass with lung cancer, she died, barely 40 with a young family. The other two are doing great, throat and skin. That was the kick up the back side I needed. It was a blessing for me. If at first you dont succeed, try again.
  18. Well done keeping your quit. It does sound awful Linda. My gran has what we call here home helps. They come in 4 times a day. At the beginning she was very resistant but I suppose most old folk are, so they are used to that. And presumably trained on how to deal with it. Now so is totally fine with them, she refers to them as her 'pals! It very reassuring to know they are checking in throughout the day. You need help Linda! Outside help and from your siblings! Could you make a few calls and enquire about home health care? There's no harm in making a few calls and finding out a bit more.
  19. 13 g'night jo
  20. Eating popcorn, have you tried this flavour @catlover it's lovely
  21. I was away with the in-laws last weekend. And my sis in law, a gorgeous young woman....she caught my eye smoking, I just thought how awful it looked. It didnt seem to match, young and gorgeous....smoking a fag. It looked so crass. It certainly didn't spark a crave. I find it a bit cringe to be honest, to think that was me.
  22. Ten months does feel good. What is it about the double digits! I remember reaching day 10, that was a wow, I'm doing this! Ten months feels, yep, I got this!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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