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Everything posted by WeegieWoman

  1. You are an awkward dancer
  2. False but I do have to spend an age every year untangling the lights as I don't pack them away properly. TNP puts a wreath on the front door
  3. You are a social climber
  4. Get your coat you've pulled
  5. Massage feet
  6. Wee cx works class after work for me. I snapped My resistance tube, snapped against my leg think it might bruise but it got me a wee cheer yay
  7. My husband is a social smoker, he basically smokes on a Friday night. My father in law also stays with us on a Thursday and he smokes. It's pure rank. And omg kissing a smoker is so gross. Hands up I do say you stink, get away from me, omg you are stinking, aw man that smoke is awful etc. For me, saying nothing is not an option. To say nothing makes is seem like it's ok and clearly it's not. But each to their own. I don't give a shit if it pisses off my husband either. Suck it up or quit. I did struggle a wee bit one night as I love my husband with all my heart and I was thinking what's the point in me quitting and him not. I really strongly felt that. No point me saving my health if he's just throwing his away. But my pals talked me round. Do not let your partners smoking jeopardise your own quit!!! Really cherish your quit and hold onto it dearly. You asked how we deal with the smells? I just think ewww I'm sooo glad I don't smell like that anymore! It's so disgusting! And move on....
  8. Pacific ocean
  9. Let's energetically dance ?
  10. Get your facts straight
  11. I'm going for a cat nap
  12. Don't be such a scaredy cat
  13. I've watched that show before, that's sad. Is 12 a long life for a kangaroo?
  14. I bought lots of new gym clothes last week and I found that spurred me on a wee bit, as silly as that sounds. Usual Monday for me, metafit followed by yoga 5.30 - 7
  15. Who's she, the cats mother?
  16. Could they wear their pants over their trousers like slippy does?
  17. Enough is enough
  18. You are back in the saddle
  19. Lie on your back and think of England
  20. It fell off the back of a lorry
  21. Ghost
  22. You think the sun shines out your backside
  23. That was a back handed compliment
  24. Book mark
  25. You are backing me into a corner

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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