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Everything posted by WeegieWoman

  1. False - but you just reminded me of it. It was like a gorilla teddy lol Tnp watched the Calcutta cup yesterday? WAT A MATCH
  2. I like most of ya list jo. But I just had to go for popcorn. I dont like the sweet stuff. Strictly savoury. This is my fav. I'm not sure it's healthy tho ha! Eh where's @catlover my fellow popcorn lover
  3. That don't impress a me much (ooo oooo yeah yeah)
  4. Belter Linda
  5. Hi beazel, my friend I have forgot the format Is it five, seven, seven? Come back,haiku queen
  6. Time is against me
  7. I've told you a million times!!
  8. No negative side effects but my pal got really itchy skin from them. But he put up with that as they helped so much with stopping smoking!! Where did you put it? I'm sure a weaker strength will ease your symptoms a bit. And you could maybe try a different part of your body? I generally always put them top outside of my arms but I've heard of people putting them all over the place! I'd give it another day for sure and see how you get on. If your still struggling may need to think of an alternative. I was given patches and lozenges at the start of my quit. Going back to work will only help your quit I reckon. And that's good you're fit enough to go back to work
  9. Time is a healer
  10. It's time you got a watch
  11. I've used the free nhs stop smoking service twice. The first one was brilliant. A group of about 20 people met at a local hall weekly. And we actually smoked for the first three weeks and just learned about quitting and got a plan....got prepared. Then boom we all quit! That was a champix quit for me but it didn't last long. But that team spirit really felt great. Second time they changed the format and it was just a weekly drop in service where you'd get like 15 minutes one to one with a counsellor. And you could mix with other quitters waiting. That was still good but felt less of a team. Low and behold they shut for two weeks over Christmas!! And that was me back on the fags! I really liked having that weekly meet and having someone check up on me. They measure your co2 and it was rewarding seeing that going down and down. This time round I used the pharmacy service which isn't as good. They are not stop smoking counsellors. But I got my weekly meet, free NRT and they measured my co2. So still a very good service. This wee bit of extra support will help you im sure Lily! I used the patches for about 3 - 4 weeks. I really found them awesome and they basically took away the urge. So all I had was 'time for a fag'...'oh no it's not, I dont smoke' thoughts! I was really firm on not entertaining these thoughts. Don't torture yourself. I always said to myself don't let a thought turn into a crave. Just squash it, bat it away! Move on!!
  12. You wouldn't know a good thing if it hit you in the face
  13. White goods
  14. Welcome on board Dizzy!! 8 days is a brilliant start, good on you! I know it's cliche but it really does get easier and easier. And you kinda grow in confidence every day. You've came to the right place for information and support! Bucket loads here! I took all the help I could get in the beginning so I was here, I was on NRT and I was also getting weekly pharmacy support. And alongside that I was reading incessantly about the damage smoking does but also how the body can repair itself. Also learning about addiction! Reading really drummed things into my head plus kept me busy! You can definitely do this!!
  15. You are a goody two shoes
  16. The possibilities are endless
  17. Let your imagination run wild
  18. Im going to make eggy bread
  19. Can I have my eggs over easy
  20. You are a bad egg
  21. -3 morning and happy Friday.
  22. -1 golfing I take it Andy? It's beautiful up that east coast
  23. You know I really respect you for keeping trying. If you can just push through you can make it. I've seen quitters before really struggling and they turn into a strong quitter. Just keep going Lilly, I know you can do it!
  24. I went in asda this morning and its rows and rows of Easter eggs!!!! ? it's tricky but I like a wee challenge . I remember I gave up crisps before and its like they start talking to you from the shelves lol EAT ME!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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