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Everything posted by WeegieWoman

  1. 1. use it to blow your nose
  2. Amazing @johnny5 a true inspiration and thanks for hanging around
  3. Happy hump day everyone, NOPE
  4. Did my body attack class tonight, it was chocca, always is on a Monday!
  5. Hey everyone, still going strong here. I was thinking this morning, when are these thoughts going to stop, but then i realised these are not new thoughts, these are thoughts you thought all the time as a smoker ie time for a fag. So its not the quitting that is giving me these thoughts, its the habit of smoking! I wonder when I'll stop getting the thoughts though, probably a while yet. Hey i dont think the stop smoking nurse called me last week, i may have got my weeks mixed up but i think she just called me in my first week which was the week before last, not impressed with this service this time round.
  6. How's you smoke free weekend been @SavingMeFromMyself? I was hungover yesterday which undoubtedly made it harder! But I did it, I'm chuffed.
  7. Hey everyone, wow yesterday was a more difficult day quit wise due to a reallllllly bad hangover! That really weakened my resolve and I was fighting away those thoughts. But I did it and I'm back to feeling normal today, hallelujah! We went to the gig and then partied into the small hours at home, my house is an absolute bomb site! So that's the first job today, blitz the house, then go to supermarket, I'm craving a nice home cooked meal.
  8. nan bread
  9. 'Weegie is a slang term referring to people from Glasgow in Scotland, which is used as a noun or adjective. It is a contraction of the word Glaswegian, referring to people from Glasgow'. Im in bonnie Scotland! Glad your first day went well, and good you were kept busy. When I have a wee craving, i just say to myself 'i dont smoke' and goes away! Im sure we all have wee things we say to ourself. Delighted to see you and hear you are doing good, where abouts are you?
  10. dirty fries
  11. 2. Skip them
  12. Well done @DenaliBlues keep up the good work
  13. Yeah im feeling good, i felt really anxious the first few days but that seem to have went away. The only bad thing about that is i was so anxious I wasnt eating much, but now that has subsided im now HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY!!! But I found a bag of roasted and salted pumpkin seeds! Ive never had them before, they are really scrumptious, i cant stop eating them! What about yourself, how are you getting on?
  14. eggy bread
  15. Im missing the gym tomorrow as going to a gig, Kaiser Chiefs, so i think ill do a doubler tonight, metafit and then step.
  16. Hi @SavingMeFromMe so nice to meet you!! Im a new quitter too, im just over a week using patches. Im wishing you every success and see you around on the boards!
  17. 0

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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