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Everything posted by Doug1984

  1. I am doing well, I apologize about not posting yesterday, I live in the p hilly suburbs, and it got got bad with snow yesterday. I didn5 work my normal job as it was closed, so I did my hobby jobs (sell stuff I buy at thrift stores online) which i really think is gonna be a great outlet to put my nervous withdrawl 3nergy into. I'll ha e more time and $$ now to put i to that, so im very happy a out that. Im going to the Dr.'s tomorow to se2 if he'll sceipt.me.something to help me through this period. No he isn't the guy I mentioned earlier. I thank all of you here with all my heart for your support and positivity ??
  2. Thank you so much for your support And understanding. It seems like you definitely understand the anxieties with quitting. I especially understand having anxiety to quit from how bad a previous attempt went. I've replayed over amd over the stress and utter misery of that time. My mind wasn't 100% in that time, thats why. I'm so sorry you suffered with such bad anxieties, but your end result gives me alot of hope i must admit. If quitting has severely diminished your anxiety, then its obviously the best choice I could ever make. Thank you so much !!
  3. I was told several times by that Doc, that's why I stopped going.i really couldn't understand how he could tell me that. I know it adds to my anxiety, but the peace of mind of being healthier will be so amazing, I'm really looking forward to this!
  4. Your right, nicotine definitely is the mist powerful self perpetuating anxiety machine. Im anxious if i dont smoke, but when i gett respiratory issues, then I get anxiety about dying from cancer or emphysema. Then in my paranoid state I start self diagnosing myself online from reading about my ailments, and I always get lead to beleive at the end that I have developed something terminal. This will be the greatest anti anxiety medication ever knowing my body is repairing itself and healthier than ever.
  5. Thank you so much for this extremely informative video. I definitely feel alot better knowing most damage is reversible at my younger age. When i finally do get to that first 72 hours, I'm gonna be on here alot to get through that crucial and very hard period, but i will prevail, as everyone on this board has or will !
  6. Thank you all for your optimistic and extremely encouraging attitudes. All of you on here will definitely help me through this. Yes, we've all gone through the withdrawal, I just wasn't ever able to make it through to the end if the 3 day detox hump. I'm sure it's probably even longer than that. The biggest battle for me I know is the psychalogical battle, not the physical. Im glad the weather is going to get nice soon, as im a serious outdoorsman, and know that nature is one of my biggest assets and will imprive my physical health immensely. BTW, I stopped going to that doctor I mentioned earlier. He always gave terrible advice. Sadly hes my Dads Dr. And i cant get my dad to stop going to him lol.
  7. Hello everyone, it's great to be on here with others going through the same internal struggle. I am a mostly healthy 33 year old man. I've been smoking half a pack a day of light cigarettes for 14 years now (started the end of 2003). For many years I found it so hard to quit when all my friends (or girlfriends) always smoked. Now i am divorced, but have continued smoking due to my bad anxiety disorder. I have even been told by doctors that I shouldn't quit smoking till I got my anxiety under control as they said I wouldn't succeed :( I have always made so many excuses to not quit, but this past winter I have realized I have some form of asthma or respiratory disorder, as ive been need8ng inhalers some days, and need a vaporizer on to sleep. I know at my age my chances for a long, healthy life are very good still. I just know I have to do this. My anxiety always tries to make me think I'm dying everytime I get respiratory infections. Since November ive had over 4 or 5 serious bouts. I've even had to cut out all dairy as its made my repository issues worse. I haven't seriousdly tried to quit since 2007. The biggest issue I always have is my bad anxieties. They make it feel like an impossibility. My anxieties are also why I'm quitting as im terribly afraid of an early death as well. I apologize about my rant, just wanted to let you know about my journey towards becoming a non smoker. Any support is greatly appreciated. Thank you to all on here

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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