I watched all of these last night and thought all 3 were really interesting. I was glued for almost three hours.
I wanted to come away hating the tobacco industry but it didn't happen for me. I think there was so much other stuff I hated that my hatred for the tobacco industry got a bit diluted.
I hated the night riders and was appalled at what they did
I hated the Government for not putting cigarettes into a food or drug bracket so they didn't have strict monitoring, that they were happy to take 1 million a day from tobacco companies and that the president's health advisor binned Project XA which was a safer cigarette called Palladium
I hated that nobody listened to the surgeons who expressed their concern at smoking and cigarettes
I hated that Carter got rid of Kalifarno who based his campaign on the danger of cigarettes. Carter went on to say that people rely on tobacco companies to make a living
Yes the tobacco companies supply the killer cigarettes, but the Government's clearly get so much revenue from them they don't want smoking to stop any time soon.
I was shocked at the underhanded tactics some tobacco companies used but then I'm shocked about a lot of things that happened back then. It was a different era and people got away with things they would never get away with now.
Maybe my thoughts mean I don't fit in to the ideals here, or maybe even that my quit is doomed for failure. I didn't come away in a rage like others have and I don't blame the tobacco companies for me smoking.
I do think they should have these documentaries as part of the school curriculum. The woman who smoked through her neck would shock anyone.