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Everything posted by Lilly

  1. I don't know how true it is but I have read that Australia is one of the highest users of cannabis. I also read that cannabis is widely used in America. It amazes me that countries find cannabis more acceptable than e-cigarettes ?? I've never tried either and don't intend to but do wonder how the world would react if we used the same rules for drugs and especially alcohol.
  2. Oooh resistance bands are one of the things I looked at. I think getting into exercise is really hard but seems like once you push yourself to do it then it becomes quite addictive. Probably the best addiction to have ?
  3. Here is a link Wee Fluffy Me. Go down the page a bit on right hand side X Edited to remove link as it showed my personal info
  4. Has anyone tried those fitness plate things. Been hearing a lot of positive stuff about them but I always prefer to find out from people who have used them.
  5. Received 8 February 2018 Revised 16 May 2018 Accepted 11 June 2018 Published Online First 13 August 2018
  6. I wondered how long it would be before somebody said something along the lines of personal agenda or troll. I have no agenda and I have no interest in vaping. As a grown woman if I did want to vape I would - I just wouldn't need this forum. In the country I live in e-cigarettes are used and they are regulated. In the country you live in they are hated and for some reason your reports differ to ours. I'm not some troll trying to flog e-cigarettes to everyone here but I am allowed to voice the fact they are promoted in the UK. Please don't assume because I'm not anti e-cigarettes that I have a secret agenda.
  7. Well Saz we have a lot of research in this country and it contradicts everything you are saying. I'm not a user of e-cigarettes but I would much rather see my children holding one of those than smoking. Time will tell I suppose.
  8. There is evidence here that they are safer than smoking. I agree that inhaling fresh air is the only safe thing for our lungs. I think the difference might be that e-cigarettes are regulated in the EU and companies have to comply. Might be why they aren't as safe in America and other countries. Anyway, it doesn't really matter as nobody here uses them. Why are we even talking about them ???
  9. What I'm doing right now is I'm wondering if when I get better if I will stay quit. I look around this forum and everyone seems so contented and happy they've quit. I wonder why I never feel like that, deep down I never feel like this is it. I try and hang around here to see if everyone's positivity will rub off on me but it doesn't. Have you ever been in a relationship where you know you don't want to be with them anymore but you try. Eventually you just end it - that's how I always feel about my quits ?
  10. The tobacco companies do manufacture e cigarettes here but they definitely aren't the big players. They are safer but they still come with risks. They are apparently 95% safer but that statement doesn't come from the tobacco companies alone. They also don't supply the nicotine that goes in the e-liquid. It's supposedly a safer way to smoke. If people want to smoke and don't want to quit surely it's a better option? I wouldn't use one but I'm all for them taking over cigarettes.
  11. I can recommend her chilli cheese muffins which you can eat now ?
  12. I got to be honest and say that I can't help but wonder if there is a reason the USA is so against e-cigarettes. I'm starting to think they want to keep people smoking actual cigarettes. In the UK the Asthma Association, Lung Foundation and Cancer Research all are very much for them. Our quit smoking clinics even give vouchers so people can buy them. Maybe your Governments aren't ready to give up the millions of dollars they gain from the tobacco industry. Just my own thoughts.
  13. Just made pioneer woman's cake in a mug. It was really yummy. I love her cooking
  14. She looks amazing. You're really talented Jo
  15. It's better to keep trying than give up altogether.
  16. It's good to get it all out. Glad to see you are still quit x
  17. Happy Birthday and wishing you a wonderful year ahead x
  18. I'm listening to Elvis. Whenever he sings it makes me want to cry. His voice just gets me every time. My Boy - it's a real tear jerker.
  19. I am giving up fizzy pop. I drink way too much of it.
  20. Lilly

    Winter Is Coming

    I have never watched it but everyone I know are massive fans.

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