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Everything posted by Lilly

  1. Not today
  2. I miss seeing you around here. Hope you're ok and come back soon x

    1. Whispers


      Thank you Lilly, its great to see you're still a quitter. Best thing we can do for ourselves. I hope all is well with you, all is well here and you made my day reading this

  3. Lilly

    Phrase Connect Game

    That was some Bone(r) lol
  4. Dumbo Bambi Watership Down Taxi Driver American Pie
  5. @Cbdave the days are getting confusing. Yesterday and today? NOPE for today
  6. Oh god - I sound like I'm ordering you to do that - sorry Jillar x @QueenB have a read of the mental balloons thread. It really fits well with what you said above
  7. @jillar do your bump thing with the mental balloons for QueenB x
  8. I probably would check with your doctor. I'm no expert but isn't champix supposed to do something to the nicotine receptors. If the idea is to make you dislike smoking adding loads more nicotine would surely be almost fighting against what it does. As I say I'm no expert. Give the champix a chance to do its thing. It's clearly working so see where you are in a few days more. I know in my quit smoking clinic they advise eating half yiur breakfast, then take the champix, then finish your breakfast. It apparently helps to stop the nausea feeling IF you get that.
  9. Great going QueenB
  10. @abbynormal thank you so much. I have two more weeks on these 14mg patches and then I step down to 7mg for the last two weeks. I have a feeling I'm going to clean up at the forum awards - biggest drama queen, biggest cry baby, most miserable face and of course biggest it's all about me me me!! I better build myself a shelf lol xx
  11. Lilly

    Phrase Connect Game

    Work that body
  12. Well you are very very very artistic so I'm going to guess that you watch arty films that most of us probably wouldnt even understand. I'm thinking Sundance Film Festival type stuff.
  13. @johnny5 that was a regular and the song soul man was and is my son's karaoke song. @notsmokinjo you sound like you watch snuff movies you're being so cagey. You have to share now or you sound too dodgy lol x
  14. Lilly

    Phrase Connect Game

    In a while crocodile
  15. Lilly

    Phrase Connect Game

    Betty swollocks pmsl
  16. I'm here thanks to this great place.
  17. In the kitchen !!!!!! I think this is your nicest name to date.
  18. Lilly

    Phrase Connect Game

    A bit of sweat ran down my back
  19. Son is that you lol. These are all the film's my son watched time and time again. That's so spooky.
  20. @Ankush I singled your name out because like me you are not a long time quitter. It didn't have anything to do with depression. I was just saying all the people who had posted before me (apart from you) have been quit for a long time and are all happy with their decision. Hope that clarifies.
  21. Thanks so much Tammy x
  22. Lilly


    Have a great time.
  23. Have a great time Doreen. We will definitely miss you x
  24. Abby I'm sorry I missed your celebration. Congratulations and keep rocking that amazing quit. I was amazed at the following Marvel has to be honest. I never realised how big it was until our cinema showed the film on every single screen for 24 hours a day and every single showing was sold out.
  25. Lilly

    Phrase Connect Game

    I-ran is a country

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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