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Lilly last won the day on March 31 2019

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  1. Oh jo he shouldn't have put you in that position. Please be careful and look after yourself. I'm glad you and little one are safe x x x
  2. So I'm nearing 9 months quit and I don't really even feel excited. Don't get me wrong I love being a non smoker but it's draining. I have spent the best part of a year concentrating on quitting and I can't help but wonder when I'm going to feel normal again. I want my life back. I want to spend a whole day where the fact that I'm quitting doesn't pop in my head. I'm bored of it but I can't imagine lighting a cigarette now. I rarely post on here because everyone seems so positive about their quit and I don't want to be the only one who isn't but I need to get it out.
  3. America should never have allowed Juul to manufacture 50mg nicotine pods.
  4. I rewarded myself a lot for the first three months. I used to pick things that I wanted and it distracted me from counting my quit time. I started waiting for my gifts rather than the months quit anniversary which made time speed up. If I had a particularly bad time I would buy my reward and leave it in view. Then I'd tell myself if I smoked I'd have to take it back and not have it. Somehow it got me through. Writing that out I realise how stupid it sounds
  5. Congratulations Abby x x x
  6. I smoked more or less when I wanted so never felt desperation until I quit. So for me the jonesing thing only kicked in as a non smoker. I like being a non smoker just waiting for my brain to catch up.
  7. Welcome Dylan. If I were you I would ask for a second opinion or a referral. It could be something simple like acid but it could also be something that needs further investigation. Were you still smoking when it started? I only ask because I don't know how long you smoke for with champix. If you were how could it possibly be quit related. Congratulations on 6 months quit but please don't try to find a diagnosis for your health on an internet forum.
  8. If you shouldn't be driving why are you doing it?
  9. I'm so glad nobody was hurt and your daughter is safe. I relapsed numerous times before I had this quit. I can actually identify with Sgt Barney's post. The truth is that it isn't the incident that causes us to smoke, the incident just gives us the justification to smoke. It's nice to get lots of hugs and understanding when you relapse, but you also need the tough love thrown in to balance it out. When children do something that is going to hurt them we protect them, but we also firmly tell them the dangers with a voice that makes them cry. If we only hugged them they would never learn. Every post is meant well. I'm glad you're back to quitting
  10. Congratulations on five wonderful years. Thank you for all you do here x
  11. A lovely post Abby x
  12. Congratulations @WeegieWoman Sorry I'm late x
  13. Congratulations to you. You've done amazing x x
  14. Awww Reci get well soon x x
  15. Welcome to the forum. You either smoke or you don't - there is no half and half. You may not realise it but your addiction is just looking for a way to keep on smoking. Choose a method and just go for it. Lots of luck to you

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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