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Everything posted by barry

  1. @Giveintowin I understand you've chosen a nice soapbox from which to preach your message. You have to understand that not everyone agrees with you, and not get personally offended when we don't. I very much agree with @sgt.barney in saying that it is the personal choice of every smoker to smoke, and their consequences to pay as a result of that choice. The government (wherever you're from) should not intervene in telling the people what they should/should not do (while most governments think this is their cause for existence).
  2. barry

    Rhyming Words Game

    sneeze flow
  3. duets
  4. NOPE!!!
  5. Nincompoop
  6. Maybe Earth Dies
  7. luges
  8. lords
  9. @MikePiano I posted: Umpire Gloves Suck The game is, for you to make up three words, from the last 3 letters I posted. In this case: U, C, and K. Enjoy!
  10. Umpire Gloves Suck
  11. wordy
  12. Dumb Ass Yankees
  13. doors
  14. droop
  15. frond
  16. Apes Meander Endlessly
  17. freon
  18. owned
  19. barry

    chicks or sticks

  20. Elephants Emerging Prancing
  21. barry

    chicks or sticks

  22. barry

    chicks or sticks

    PeaceTrain -1 barry - 0
  23. barry

    chicks or sticks

    Hoooray....men! 00
  24. barry

    chicks or sticks

  25. barry

    chicks or sticks


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