Kinda Like @Sazerac, I have a 3 point quit plan:
1) Educate myself about my addiction. Sure, I knew I was a "nicotine addict", and that's why I kept smoking. But, it was more of a "Captain Obvious" kind of knowledge. So, I read as much as I could. I read the QuitGuide (link at the bottom of this page). I took the free online course (they call it a course, but there's no grades or tests!) at: I also found an online copy of Allen Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" in PDF format and read it.
2) Communicate about my quit. Previous quits, only my immediate family and a couple of folks at work that I would previously go for smoke breaks with knew about my quit. This time, EVERYONE knows. I told my entire organization at work. I notified my family Facebook group. I had previously logged on to QuitNet to avoid a smoking surcharge on my health insurance, but never posted or asked for help. Obviously, now I'm doing a bit more than that. (I am obviously a member of a couple of other organizations as well)
3) Plan. Trusting my addict brain to “do the right thing “ in the face of a full-on craving is a poor idea. Have a “quit kit” handy...things that help you overcome the craving short-term. Things like gum, cinnamon sticks, straws, hard candy...whatever works for you.