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Everything posted by jillar

  1. 9. Use to clean aquarium gravel
  2. 6. Clean the oven
  3. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  4. Hi @Patti, welcome aboard and congrats on almost two weeks quit already You'll find tons of support here with us as well as a library full of posts about our addiction to nicotine be it through reading or watching videos or a combination of both so be sure to check out all our forums. We even have a Social section of forums for when you want to get your mind off the constant thoughts of smoking but still be close to your support. You've joined a great year of 2022 quitters so between all you guys and the rest of us we'll help insure you get your forever quit
  5. @feeling_patchy, very nice ticker
  6. That's awesome @feeling_patchy If you want even more inspiration consider making yourself a ticker for your signature. You can watch all the time, money saved and cigarettes NOT smoked add up. I used to love coming on first thing in the morning to see my ticker my whole first year
  7. That's good @Shymaid. Don't forget to change your quit date too
  8. Woohoo, six years quit today!!! I couldn't have done it without all the support I received, especially my first year quit. I've been fortunate to be able to be here to pay it forward and have made great friendships with people all over the world and for that I feel so grateful
  9. Congratulations @Wayne045, on six years quit! Here's to many more!
  10. Glad you're right back after your relapse. I thought your ticker was acting up until I read this. Hopefully next time, if there is one, you'll try using our SOS forum. It really has helped a lot of us
  11. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  12. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  13. What a great update @intoxicated yoda, I'm really happy for you
  14. 4. Clean the refrigerator
  15. 7. Strain out coffee grounds from the newly perked coffee
  16. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  17. Welcome aboard our train full of quitters @feeling_patchy. There's no wrong way to quit smoking or vaping and like @johnny5 said we have lots of members here who have successfully quit using patches. We have a whole forum dedicated to Vaping and the harm in it so be sure to check that one out as well as the rest of the forums here. Lots of information about our addiction can be found and if you can't find it, ask us and we'll share our experiences
  18. Surprisingly I quit craving them after my first year and haven't bought them by the tub since. I do still enjoy them around Christmas time though
  19. I used an invisible "air cigarette" that I called my JAC (jillars air cigarette ) for those times. It worked great at tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing
  20. Loren, you can click on "Unread Content" located at both the top right and bottom left of page depending on your browser and it brings up all the posts from all the forums. There you can also choose other options to narrow down the results
  21. Yep, I've heard all that. AND the rolling eyes when I try to say how frustrating it is to not be able to gain weight.
  22. @Shymaid, everything you're experiencing is normal in the early part of our quits. Listen to your body and if its hungry, eat. Tired, sleep, etc. It's working extra hard right now to clean out all those years of smoking. The dizziness, or brain fog can sometimes be helped with sweets. I craved soft peppermint puffs my whole first year quit lol. You're doing great! PS. I know the pain of not being able to gain weight, I've experienced it my whole life and it IS just as bad as someone who can't lose weight!
  23. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  24. 2. Clean the windows
  25. 5. Strain grease from hamburger

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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