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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Glad to have you back and recommited to your quit weegie.
  2. 5. Inhale the helium and talk funny
  3. Here!
  4. 3. Make balloon animals
  5. Happy Halloween!
  6. Congratulations @Hope2Nope on 6 years quit, that's awesome! I hope you have a happy Halloween and celebrate your milestone today
  7. Jenny Quit Date: 05/24/2012 Posted May 7, 2017 I went on a trip to Texas recently for work and brought a co-worker with me. She smokes. We agreed to meet at a local mall and then drive together to the airport. When I got there to pick her up she was pacing back and forth outside the vehicle, in the rain, getting those last puffs in. At the airport she tried to find a time to smoke but things moved too quickly and she was not able to before we boarded. Everywhere we went the next few days were HELL for her because she couldn't smoke. Meanwhile, I had a great time! It still amazes me when I travel how easy it is now. No stressing to find a place to smoke. No withdrawl...just a relaxing time. Life after quitting is so much better. For anyone on the fence or in the early days of your quit keep going! It gets so much easier. Don't live your life desperately searching for the smoking area. There's nothing for you there. Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/8458-traveling-as-a-smoker/
  8. 2. I do
  9. 8. Can you bleach my hair blond then having the bleach melt your hair because she left it on too long! Regretted saying
  10. 10. Use the carpool lane How about balloon(s)
  11. You're way over thinking this one Pedro. The only thing this is is someone who needs to quit smoking also. What IS a near smoking experience is having that packet of tobacco and rolling papers! That's a dangerous thing to keep around when quitting as you've already experienced by smoking 3 a few days ago. I recommend getting rid of all of that. Out of sight, out of mind....
  12. Welcome again @Jaybird and congrats on two weeks quit already, that's AWESOME!
  13. Welcome @Jaybird When you get a chance why not introduce yourself in our Introduction forum? Lot's of great members here to welcome you and support you
  14. Are you being redundant weegie?
  15. 7. Sing
  16. 3(?) Play spot the _________ out the car windows
  17. 6. Who cuts your hair, is she available?
  18. 4. A perm
  19. Welcome @Pedro, we're glad you found this site as well
  20. 1. Style my hair
  21. 5. Leaving my leg(s) uncovered while I'm asleep
  22. 3. Sharting
  23. 8. Something or someone scaring me How about eight things most people are scared of.....
  24. 6. Arguing with someone

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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