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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Congratulations Kermit on one year quit and welcome to the old phartes club! I hope you pop in and give us an update on how you are enjoying this new life and new you
  2. Monkey see, monkey do
  3. Suits me just fine
  4. Hi mrsguest thanks for checking in. I was afraid we lost you. Congratulations on over three weeks quit
  5. Suit up
  6. Welcome aboard ajtvobsessed. I think going to a non smoking resort is a great way to kick start your quit. Just make sure you don't have any cigarettes hidden. You can't smoke what you don't have right?!
  7. Happy birthday to you
  8. I've lost two friends to cancer of the mouth. It's a horrible cancer to have. Both of them had so many procedures done, including removing parts of their tongues, to try to stop it and both ended up succumbing to it ?
  9. Congratulations on four years quit Wendy!
  10. Oh Linda don't let your mother ruin your awesome quit. She's a miserable person who knows she can pick on you and you will still be there for them. You remind me so much of my sister who also was bullied by our mom except that you are an ex smoker now! Stand proud and know that you are loved by so many. We know and appreciate how special you are. Xoxo
  11. You're doing awesome Opah and I'm sure this will be your forever quit
  12. Your kiss is what I miss
  13. So glad you remembered the SOS @Linda Thomas. This is a big test of your resolve and you're doing great. Showing this quit who's boss!! Take care of yourself, we all care so much about you ?
  14. jillar

    A game for Bat

    Having a beer because I'm batman! POW!!
  15. Thinking of you @Linda Thomas and hope your dad is doing better today. Xoxo
  16. Wouldn't you like that
  17. Hi Abby, welcome aboard Congratulations on keeping your awesome two week quit while dealing with such a heartbreaking situation. You have already realized that smoking will do nothing to help the situation. I wish peace for you and your friend as you face what's to come. We will be here to lend an ear and offer our support as much as you need....
  18. Yay kdad, congratulations!
  19. Oh ok @Whispers, I've never watched Game of Thrones lol
  20. I love that actor @Whispers. But yes, I have no idea what Winter is other then that thing that comes every year that makes it cold and wet outside lol
  21. jillar

    Five Years

  22. Congratulations BAT on five years quit! Thanks for the support and fun to bring
  23. I thought you would say that
  24. I agree with all above. And even though you're trying nt too, in these early months sweets do help with the fuzziness so try to drink some juice or have a candy. There's lots of low calorie sweets out there to help keep the weight off
  25. Good going Opah, and now you go through heck week which isn't as bad as hell week. You're doing great!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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