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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Lilly, like the others said, who cares what that guy says! You are smoking, that's HUGE! Keep using your patch, it's working! And don't let anyone tell you differently!!!
  2. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that...…….
  3. Thanks for the update igotthis, the thoughts will get fewer and farther between soon enough
  4. Congratulations on five months quit igotthis, you're doing great!
  5. Huge congratulations on another year smoke free beazel! I hope you have a great day
  6. Welcome aboard kallison, I'd be happy to set you a deadline. I pick March 18, 2019. I pick that day so you can start preparing. You see when I decided to quit I didn't set a deadline but I did start preparing by not smoking in places I normally smoked. That made it so much easier when I did quit because I didn't associate smoking with those areas anymore. Another thing I used after I quit was my air cigarette. Whenever a bad crave hit I just pretended I was holding an actual cigarette in my fingers and then went through the motions of "smoking" it. It did great at tricking my mind into thinking I was getting the real thing. Lastly I stayed glued to my forum everyday, all day. I really found that reading, supporting others, celebrating milestones and socializing kept my mind off my misery. You can do it and we'll help as much as we can
  7. Welocme @Jeana919, congratulations on taking back your life! You'll find great support here so stick close and we'll help you past the tough spots
  8. Here's my 15,264!
  9. I'm really happy to hear that you're making plans to quit again @hangoversquare. How about shooting for this week?
  10. time and time again...……..
  11. Sorry for the bum news Abby, thank goodness it was minor! And thank goodness you quit smoking!! I hope your birthday gets better...……..
  12. So glad you got past that Julie and I'm sorry about all the struggles you're having. You'll be able to support your mom so much easier not being chained to a cigarette. I think that just by you driving to the country and posting in the SOS that you already knew you weren't going to smoke. We're here for you so please stick around and vent as much as you need. Hopefully that will help at least a little. @hangoversquare, yes you should quit sooner than later. You were right behind me if I remember correctly...…… Let's do this!!!
  13. I've got nothing but time
  14. Ain't nobody got no time for that
  15. Congrats on getting back on your quit Lilly, let's do this! We're all here to help so use us as needed when needed.....
  16. time to face the music
  17. you're such a goody two shoes
  18. Good Lord man!
  19. These are what helped me through....
  20. Hi Dizzy, welcome aboard Eight days quit already means you've got hell week done and dusted, well done! I think what drove me crazy was the constant thinking about cigarettes until one day I woke up and realized half way through the day that I hadn't. I did find that keeping myself busy on the forum by reading, supporting, celebrating and socializing really helped keep my mind off my misery. And I made some great friendships along the way with people from all over the world.
  21. Congratulations on five years Marti!
  22. Congratulations christa and thanks for the update. it's great to hear you're doing so well

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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