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Everything posted by jillar

  1. @Cbdave, did you try removing the bookmark you used before the update? If not, delete the bookmark, close your browser, open your browser and type quittrain.com then you can bookmark it again.
  2. Crack the whip
  3. Oh yea, totally! I'm having some yeast right now
  4. Not my first rodeo
  5. Sounds gross lol. The only thing I want yeast in is my bread
  6. I wanted to say popcorn but I have to have salt on it at the very least. Season salt even better. Don't care too much for walnuts but love most other nuts. We're the strawberry capital here so kinda strawberried out. My trailmix doesn't have dried fruit in it but does have M&M's (yummy). So by a process of elimination I'm going with celery as long as there's peanut butter on it
  7. That's fantastic parsley! I'm really happy for you Tell hubby congratulations from the gang on the train
  8. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
  9. Congratulations on half a year quit kdad!
  10. Congratulations on two years quit dutchess! Hopefully you'll stop in and tell us how you're doing
  11. That's the way to do it desperate1, vent all you need and get it out! The chest tightness is normal, your lungs are already trying to start clear that gunk out. The tiredness too is normal. Sweets help a lot with keeping blood sugar up so indulge yourself. It's very important to listen to your body during these first few weeks. If it's hungry, eat. Tired, sleep. It's working hard on trying to repair all the damage done by our years of smoking. You're doing great!
  12. If you're not first, your last
  13. I woke up thinking the same thing. Check in @Icanhike, we worry.......
  14. Hey @DizzyD, how are you doing?
  15. Make a good first impression
  16. NOPE!
  17. Hey desperate1, might I suggest a ticker for your signature? It's super encouraging watching all the time, money and cigarettes not smoked add up plus shows you what you have to lose should you cave to a crave. I loved watching mine that first year
  18. Ya gotta love Sheldon, congratulations on 73 Abby
  19. When I became I homeowner I quit smoking in my house but in the rental houses before that I used TSP to scrub the walls. It's a powder that you mix with water and it did a good job at getting rid of the nicotine. You could probably even use Simple Green mixed with water and it's got a nice smell too The antsy feeling is totally normal. I wish I had of got that instead of the tired feeling. I was too exhausted to even think about doing anything. So when you're done doing your stuff and are feeling antsy still, come on over and clean my house
  20. You're doing great desperate1. I'm happy to see you take the one year commitment, it really worked great for me
  21. I'm not impressed
  22. Dressed to the nines
  23. Glad to have you back desperate1, we have tons of successful quitters who were long term smokers. I smoked for 35 years! My advice would be to stick close to the board, especially that first month. I stayed glued to the board my first year and am convinced I wouldn't have been successful otherwise. Plus I met some great people from all over the world There is a wealth of information between all of us and we will support you however much you need or want. After all no one knows better what we go through when quitting than us
  24. ^^THIS^^ And thank you to all who make this place what it is

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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