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Everything posted by jillar

  1. jillar

    True or False

    False TNP has been in a car accident in the last year
  2. It'll pass MLMR, it's that first year quit thing and learning to adjust to our new normal. Once that first year hurdle is crossed you'll probably be able to relax and have fun much more easily
  3. don't bite my head off
  4. Hi porkandpancakes, it's nice to meet you. And yes, we are all very lucky to have Doreen still here and supporting everyone. Congrats on that awesome quit of yours too
  5. I have to hand it to you
  6. You have dessert in the middle of your country? That's a long drive just for your after dinner treat! lol
  7. That must have been so scary for your family dizzyd. I'm glad your family is ok. And I'm glad you didn't delete your account! Congratulations on getting back on your quit. Remember that you are quitting for yourself first and foremost so if hubby buys another pack of cigarettes let him blow his own quit, not yours too. Smokers love a "partner in crime" so your refusing to smoke any that he may buy will probably help him realize he can quit and stay quit too...
  8. Let me whip you up something to eat
  9. Thanks for the update icanhike, and I'm glad you're lung is getting better
  10. @Icanhike! It's so good to see you, we were all so worried. How are you?
  11. Sorry to see you go this soon into your quit opah. Please remember to break your rule about posting from home if you feel your quit is in jeopardy. Good luck at your new job
  12. If you Google it Linda there are a number of reasons that may be causing them so never a bad idea to get a check up and a blood test
  13. I too went through early menopause right after I got my tubes tied at 39 or 40. I do though on occasion get hot flashes at night but not sure that it has anything to do with quitting or menopause. Just a body regulating itself?
  14. I'm so glad to hear that desperate1, you're doing great!
  15. Hi desperate1, hoping you're doing better today
  16. Lmao, all this time I thought the lyric was and gave me a bit of my sandwich
  17. I know how it feels to not be able to breathe Abby. Some of what you are going through could be your lungs cleaning out all the gunk from smoking. I remember when I first quit that my breathing got worse than when I smoked. So much so that I thought, why did I even quit! I do have asthma too though and it seemed quitting made it worse But my pulmonologist told me that my lungs were actually starting to repair themselves. Hopefully your pulmonologist will be able to assure you that's the case for you too and also give you something to help with your breathing.
  18. Whip it good!
  19. Never, ever feel like a baby for reaching out for help!!! Enjoy your shower and I'm glad you're feeling better. xoxo
  20. Those are the hardest ones for sure desperate1. Be SUPER proud of yourself for wanting to save your quit so much that you posted an SOS. You my friend are going to succeed and whip this nasty beast
  21. I would still delete the bookmark and then resave it with the new updated one Chris. Also you can switch to use desktop site on your mobile device so that you can see those things. I know on my kindle it automatically uses the mobile site so I switch it to desktop site every time just for that reason.
  22. What's something you did that you didn't smoke while doing? I never smoked in my car so if a really bad crave came I just took a car ride and I would completely forget about the crave. Can you try something like that?
  23. Try to relax desperate1, it'll pass. I promise Slow, deep breaths... Use the air cigarette if you need too.
  24. Just keep telling yourself that this too shall pass Lilly, that's what I did. I hope your tomorrow is better

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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