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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Picked up my new car today
  2. Congratulations desperate1, glad your check up went well too. Your Dr must have been so happy that you quit smoking
  3. Congratulations GloryB!
  4. Congrats redemption, you're doing great!
  5. Congratulations on five years Chyrsalis!
  6. Happy birthday Mr. catlover!
  7. Take this job and shove it....
  8. Hope you feel better soon Abby, xoxo. I used to gauge how sick I still was by how my cigarette tasted!
  9. get a hold of yourself!
  10. Hold on a minute
  11. Any Kardashian If your car says Dodge on the front of it do you really even need a horn?
  12. Heads or tails?
  13. It's a 2017 Chevy Traverse with 30,000 miles on it. It's a 7 seater so plenty of room for us ladies. And the second row seating is captain chairs just like my Acadia had
  14. Well it only took a month but we bought a car today to replace my totaled Acadia. Should have never brought hubby though because we ended up buying a nicer car than I was originally looking at lol
  15. Great post Jo, thanks!
  16. Reciprocity said it best. Read his reply and then re-read his reply. Like he said, I dealt with stress both life and quitting by using my jillars air cigarette. It worked great at tricking my mind into thinking I was getting the real thing. Also you should start preparing for your quit by not smoking in the areas you always smoke in. This way when you walk into those areas you won't associate them with smoking and it hopefully won't signal a crave.
  17. Bummer @Cbdave, I hope they figure it out for you....
  18. Is that your head or did your neck throw up?
  19. Congratulations dizzyd, well done!
  20. You make my head spin
  21. Have you guys tried using desktop site on your phone or tablet? On my kindle I hate the desktop site so I switch it to desktop site and everything comes up no problem. It's on the right side of your address bar and if you click the dots you'll see something along the lines of use desktop site. Maybe that will work for you?
  22. Congratulations on 7 months parsley
  23. Welcome Ankush, yes it's entirely possible. A lot of us here had no or very little outside support and have successfully quit smoking. You have a train full of quitters here who know what we go through when quitting and are ready and willing to offer our support. So don't hesitate to reach out whenever you need it
  24. Hello dizzyd, by your post I think you've still got your sense of humor, at least some of it Everything you're experiencing is normal at your stage of quit but the good news is that it's all temporary. As far as the brain fog, I found eating sweets helped with that. For me it lasted almost a month I'd say. My grumpiness lasted a bit longer and I think it was honestly around the six month mark that I started feeling better. It's important to remember that we are all so different in our quits so time lines for me won't necessarily be the same for you. I also quit more because I had to and not because I wanted to so that makes a huge difference in how your quit goes too. I think you're doing awesome, congratulations on being done with hell week. That's the hardest week of all!
  25. I'll head over there now..

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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