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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Congrats Stewie! Three years is AWESOME!!!!
  2. Congratulations Linda, you're AWESOME!!!!
  3. Congratulations on seven and eight months quit Linda And thank you for all the support and camaraderie you bring to this board. I'm so happy to know you and call you friend
  4. I'm so glad these great people were here for you MLMR, and I'm so glad you protected your quit and posted here so they could. I'm not sure if you take meds for your anxiety but if you do you may want to see your Dr to see if the dose is still right for you. Lots of quitters find that meds need to be adjusted after quitting. You've been through a lot during your quit so it's only normal for you to feel down. I think even if you still smoked you would feel the same but you would stink and cough and have less money, etc.... You remind me a lot of my sister who is always worried about what other people think. So much so that she never says no and is always stressed out. That's no way to live. You gotta do you and be yourself and don't worry about what others think. You've got a fabulous quit going and there may still be bumps in the road but I promise you they will become fewer and farther between the longer you are quit
  5. You've been missed and will be missed Sally, enjoy your guests and music festival
  6. You got this girl!
  7. sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite
  8. rise and shine sleepy head
  9. Did you sleep well?
  10. And to all the other mothers celebrating today
  11. Happy mothers day Doreen, I hope you're being spoiled rotten like you deserve to be
  12. Congratulations on one year quit Albert, you old pharte! We would love to hear what you have planned for yourself to celebrate
  13. Sleeping with the enemy
  14. jillar

    The journey begins

    Great post solo, you're doing great I have so much respect for people who can quit smoking while living with a smoker. You should be so proud of yourself I'm glad you're sleeping better now too. And I love that you took the one year pledge. I did and I'm convinced that I wouldn't have succeeded without the support of all my fellow quitters
  15. Let me sleep on it
  16. Don't wake sleeping beauty
  17. @Ankush while I agree that vaping is nonsense I do not agree with your stance on other NRT's. We've got lots of successful quitters who have quit using NRT. Yes, they had nicotine in their systems longer but they used them as recommended and quit smoking. That's the goal right?!
  18. That's not my job
  19. That's a shitty job
  20. I went big job
  21. Ankush, stop smoking on your balcony. Make having to go out for a smoke so difficult that it's not worth the trouble. You will be quit next week anyway so by not smoking on your balcony you'll be able to go out there next week hopefully without craving. Trust me when I tell you it works...
  22. The or will work for that too lol
  23. @Linda Thomas, had to put it in me or hubbys name but yes it's mine Ladies trip to check out mobile home parks? Ps. Here we put titles in either 'and' or 'or'. We prefer the or because if something happened to one of us we wouldn't have to redo a bunch of paperwork

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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