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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Congratulations Nicole on six years smoke free!
  2. My blood pressure didn't get lower either. But I'm not as active as I should be because of my asthma.
  3. Signed, sealed, delivered
  4. Yes @Ethan, it is cool that a bunch of us made it over here after qsmb crashed. This place really opened their doors to all us and we've made some awesome new friends too
  5. Maybe it's the branches on a tree?
  6. Seal of approval
  7. Hi @Ethan!! I was just thinking about you and your upcoming three year anniversary, congratulations my friend
  8. My lips are sealed
  9. Good to hear from you Abby, I sure hope the pulmonologist will be able to do something to help you. I know how it feels to not be able to breath I'm thinking positive thoughts for you, xoxo Imagine how much harder it would be if you hadn't made the decision to quit
  10. Congratulations on eight months parsley!
  11. Good job posting redemption and glad you're feeling better. Now you know that looking up at the sky helps you relax and can use that in the future too
  12. What's a leafs supporter?
  13. I was leaning toward 2 also but I'll say 1 is the lie
  14. She's as cold as ice
  15. Nothing wrong with NRT's Castro
  16. Hi Castro, you've come to the right place for support. We are here 24/7 to help you as much as you need or want. Great quit you have going
  17. I'm one of the several members who log in anonymously only so others can't see just how much I'm here lol. But I've noticed this past week that I and several others who I know log in anonymously can now be seen?
  18. Have fun @Doreensfree
  19. Welcome Vince and congratulations on your 72 day quit. I was a 35 year smoker and had a hard first year quitting. I felt like I missed it too. I quit due to my breathing problems and was mad that other people "get" to smoke and I couldn't. But really they don't get to smoke they HAVE to smoke. Try focusing on all the benefits you're already seeing at 2 1/2 months quit instead of doing like I did. By now your probably seeing better breathing, sense of smell and taste are back, hair and body doesn't reek of stale smoke, etc. We also have tickers for your signature that you can make to show the time quit, money saved and cigarettes not smoked which was a huge motivator my first year
  20. You're doing great efficacy, and I did the same thing. which was nothing. I had absolutely no energy. Listen to your body and let it dictate what it needs to start the healing process
  21. @Rozuki, why don't you wait and shop for one in Florida? They probably have a much bigger selection this time of year, have fun Poor birdie, your mom should feel lucky that birdie didn't have a worse reaction. My niece has food allergies and one of them is peanuts which is pretty much fatal if she doesn't have her epi pen.
  22. Welcome home, sounds like you had a good time. Your granddaughter is a very lucky girl, and so is your hubby So where to in May?
  23. Having a beer and wondering how good a time @Linda Thomas is having on her trip
  24. Hi desperate1, it's good to see you I'm glad that your anxiety is easing. Quitting was very hard for me too but I found that for me staying glued to the forum kept my mind busy and not centered on smoking. Plus being able to support others is such a reward in itself no matter how far along in our quits we are So fyi, a couple of the 2019 quitters decided on Ashkickers for your class name and notsmokinjo designed an awesome logo, below, for your signatures

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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