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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Don't we already have a cartoon character now?
  2. Congratulations on your half a decade quit Chris and thank you for the daily NOPE threads that mean so much to so many. Plus you're pretty darn funny! I hope you have a great day
  3. Oh @Rozuki, I'm really happy for you both! The trip sounds awesome and that's so cool you got to not only cross it off your bucket list but also share it with someone you love. I'm wishing for a quick sale for you so you can start your new adventure sooner rather than later
  4. Waiting for an update from @Rozuki..........
  5. Depends on which sport you're playing If I pet my cat four times how many times do I have to pet my dog so she won't get jealous?
  6. 6. Use as a water dish for your thirsty pet Fun Fact: I love frisbee golf. We used to play it every single day at the park where they have a 18 hole course
  7. No, I do not is that your pick for President?
  8. Who's your favorite?
  9. 4. Give it to your dog to play with
  10. 2. Use it as a dinner plate
  11. Should we run as write ins?
  12. Is it bad that I, as a Republican, find the comments of Trump hilarious?
  13. 8. Use a white one for a surrender flag
  14. Probably not but won't it be cold that time of year too?
  15. Because you go through it so quickly Can I reduce my carbon footprint by wearing smaller shoes?
  16. Hi bjean, congratulations on three years quit! Sounds like you really had some challenges your first year quit and I hope you're doing better now. I know a few others who quit while keeping cigarettes around but boy I couldn't do that. I smoked every butt in my ashtray the day I quit. That's why my quit time is 10:15pm instead of 3:30pm....
  17. I agree with reci about your son looking out for you. And think of your daughter moving as a new vacation destination.
  18. Hey Kate sorry you're struggling but you know smoking won't change any of what's going on and will just make you feel awful for giving up that over 7 month quit! Has the crave calmed down yet? I'm here and can lend you an ear
  19. 6. Use for pet bedding
  20. Lend a helping hand
  21. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Dirt tastes gritty
  22. 4. Wear while painting
  23. Hi Linda, I know @Nancy successfully quit using Chantix. I also used it and quit for three weeks so figured I didn't need to buy another month and relapsed. So if you do use it stay on it for the recommended time which I believe is three months at least.
  24. I agree, hopefully all our newbies will start posting so we can give them our first class quit train support
  25. I'm here!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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