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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Just keep plugging along Linda because you will get there, it just takes some of us longer than others. I was one of the longer timers and I got through it and so will you
  2. If you want even more incentive carpe consider adding a ticker to your signature. You'll get to see how much time, cigarettes not smoked and money saved add up. I used to LOVE watching mine add up AND it will show you how much you'll lose should you cave to a crave. Here's the link: https://www.quittrain.com/tickers/ The British pound symbol isn't working right now so you'll need to use one of the other two if you're overseas
  3. I used my gas to get back at my husband
  4. Congratulations @JH63 Jeff on another month smoke free I hope you do something special for yourself today to celebrate, you're doing GREAT!!!!
  5. Congratulations @ItsDeb on another month smoke free! Hope you celebrate today
  6. Welcome aboard carpelibrium and congrats on two weeks quit! The mood swings are normal and so is the burping. Be glad you didn't get gassy like a lot of us did early on lol. You can try eating sweets to try to balance the swings and be sure to drink lots of water to help the body cleanse itself of all the gunk from smoking. You'll find as much support here as you need or want as well as a trove of information about our addiction so be sure to check out all our various forums. We also have a great social section for when you want to stay close but need a break from the constant thoughts of smoking
  7. Soberjulie Posted April 7, 2014 · IP (edited) I come here for support....to vent....to encourage....to listen and speak truths. I will continue to come here for my first year, because whoever I made this pledge to originally kinda knows what he's talking about.....when people slip away from their supportive community, they often slip away from their commitment to NOPE. I read something the other day that made me ask myself....."Well Julie, why do you come here?" I see, and am experiencing something very similar to recovery from other addictions that I have and have sought treatment for. There is proven power in a community of positive support. I don't come here to 'save' people......not because I don't want to save people, but because I cant save people. As it is with any diagnoses, I can help you treat your cancer, but I cannot save you from your cancer. I can help you treat your addiction.....but I cannot save you from your addiction. But the strange thing is.....and if it weren't so amazing, it would be ridiculous, When I help you, I save myself from my own addiction. Im making the commitment.....Im committing to one year here. (I really feel as if Im just re-committing. Ive already made a pledge to stay with a supportive non-smoking community for one year. In 12 step circles, many of us have something called a 'home group': a place where we commit ourselves to showing up as much for ourselves as for others. Ive done nothing more than change my 'home group'. My committment stands. It just stands here) Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/318-the-one-year-commitment/
  8. Just ordered online kitchen items Fghvm
  9. Great hunting trip
  10. Wait patiently like good humans Ohter
  11. Guy's hung tight
  12. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Briefer than last
  13. jillar

    Take Two

    A person I know hired me for a job I didn't even apply for!
  14. Congratulations on two months Judi!
  15. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Same time tomorrow?
  16. Unfriended new kid
  17. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  18. That's the nature of the quit for a lot of us Linda, bad days followed by good days then bam more bad days. Just hang tight like you've been doing and just keep remembering that it won't be like this forever
  19. Geez, my zoologist's playing games pscdf
  20. jillar

    Take Two

    I'm picking the best person for the job
  21. For our dear @Doreensfree
  22. Hi @RoryPlog, good to "see" you. Hope you're doing well. Congratulations on over three years quit!
  23. Already paid everyone
  24. Ate my share

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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