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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Hi Ray, good to see you back As you already know we are here 24/7 to help you succeed so stick close and shout out if you need us. You also might take a look around at all our various forums. We have a wealth of information about our addiction including a whole video forum if you rather watch than read. And if you want to stick close but get your mind off the quit, our Social forums are the place to go.
  2. Its not ganja
  3. Jumangi
  4. You will Linda, you're doing so good and should be super proud of yourself
  5. I never had a cough either Linda, I coughed enough while I was smoking, so don't worry about that, your lungs are still hard at work cleaning up the gunk. You should really start seeing some good things happen for you after the third month. And the reason I say third month and not second is because I was still feeling pretty sorry for myself up until about the three month mark. Then I started coming out of my shell and really feeling pretty good. Trust the process as Marcus Lemonis would say. You are going to come out of this a changed woman full of a newfound confidence in herself that you've never had before, I truly believe that about you
  6. Hoagie
  7. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Fan the flames
  8. Great post acewhite, sounds like you have a good handle on your quit
  9. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Roasted turkey sandwiches
  10. Saw enormous rabbit!
  11. Fred Flintstone
  12. Need sexual encounter
  13. jillar

    Take Two

    The cats food smells fishy so I'm not going to throw that out
  14. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Thinner than me
  15. Hi Amy, since you're not having any chest tightness or SOB it could be your lungs cleaning out the gunk or even your anxiety causing it. If you're really worried about it then you may want to go for a check up if for nothing else but peace of mind. You're doing great btw, congrats on five weeks quit
  16. RIP Mr. Gretsky
  17. Good on you @CarpeLibrum for listening to your body and giving it what it needs to recover from the effects of smoking. You're doing great
  18. Pins or pens? If its pens I would probably NOT post about it as some members consider this to be the same as smoking, or in this case vaping, nicotine so why rock the boat right? If you're going to stick yourself with a bunch of CBD pins like acupuncture then I don't see anything wrong with making a thread about it maybe in the healthy living forum
  19. Dirty movies
  20. Bridge
  21. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Fun and games
  22. Sorry to hear you've been ill Jack. Hope you're on the mend now. Congratulations on your great quit
  23. Windmill

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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