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Everything posted by jillar

  1. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  2. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  3. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  4. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Fine and dandy
  5. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  6. @Opah, every time you disappear you come back newly quit. I'm really concerned that that could happen again this time. You know we recommend sticking around for your whole first year and we do that because we want to help you get through most the triggers that can happen in a year. So please reconsider leaving and instead just use the zoom on your browser to help you see better. We want you to succeed!
  7. I don't know. So far no...........
  8. Hi Barb, welcome to quit train! Congratulations on 22 days quit, you've got the hardest part behind you believe it or not You'll find as much support as you need/want here from people all over the world so there's almost always someone here 24/7! We also have a great Social forum for those times when you just want to give your mind a break from the constant thoughts of cigarettes so be sure to check it out. It's a great distraction and helped me immensely I smoked 35 years and quit when my breathing got bad from what I was told was chronic asthma. Then I got a bad respiratory illness that resulted in respiratory failure last January and have been on oxygen ever since. So if you are already diagnosed with COPD it is something to take seriously so you don't end up like me...... Stick close and be sure to shout out if you need some extra support
  9. Happy Birthday @bakon!
  10. Such a great post to read @AceWhite, I'm really happy for you. Realizing that you are finally done once and for all makes the rest of your quit that much easier
  11. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  12. Hi Robbie welcome aboard and congratulations on taking your life back! What I've seen with members here who suffer from depression is that quitting helped them immensely. It wasn't right away because we all have to go through the early doldrums of quitting. Some cry more, some are sad, some are more irritable like I was. But with time quit it all got much better
  13. Congratulations on 22 days Gus! Your body is busy busy cleaning the mess caused by smoking and the extra hydrating is to help clean out the gunk Just keep listening to your body it knows what it needs be it extra water, rest, eating, etc...you're doing great
  14. I'm here!
  15. Lucky!
  16. Congratulations @Linda on three months quit! Hopefully now you can have a little easier of a time knowing how awesome it is to be free I think its awesome that through your hard times you have still supported others, I hope you spoil yourself in some small way today
  17. Jack knew little about dating Hymng
  18. Is everything done?
  19. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Tell your mother
  20. Don't let it go to your head, I'm sure it'll never happen again
  21. Well if you want to then just do it! You're here, we're here so let the quit begin already. Don't put off to tomorrow what can be done today right?!
  22. Congratulations on two months quit Ace, you're doing great! Thanks for all the support you offer too Don't forget to celebrate!
  23. Never thought I would bump a thread by @bakon but there's a first time for everything lol Smoking causes tooth loss from lack of circulation in your gums

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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