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Everything posted by jillar

  1. No, never heard that one I thought Bakon made it up?
  2. Geez @Robbie $63.00 for 40 cigarettes?! That was about three days worth for me. In comparison mine cost 5.67 per pack of 20 if I bought them by the carton (which I did). That was back in 2016 so I'm sure they're much more now here
  3. @d2e8b8, @Kris has caught up to you in one days time! I better be on my A game she means business!
  4. But its such a cute tail......
  5. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  6. No @StevenHere, unfortunately the chat box isn't used a lot here only because we never know if someone is in there or not unless they post that they want to chat. Then we get a few in there. So once its back up and running properly just post and see if anyone feels like chatting and you guys can meet up in there.
  7. Lol, you don't talk too much! Participating in the forums helps keep your mind busy on other things besides smoking, at least it did me The Enthusiast is part of our new ranks, again to encourage participating. Plus a couple of us @d2e8b8 and I, among others, have a race going to see who can get them all first, You're welcome to join in the fun. No prizes other then bragging rights though Oh and if you go to your profile you can click on the box that says you won the day and it'll bring up the leader board for that day. You can also click on the badges and see all that you've earned as well as the various rankings
  8. Hi @StevenHere, I was able to get it to open eventually but unable to post anything so I'll let @MarylandQuitter know so he can look into it. Sometimes the updates cause these little glitches. Thanks for reporting it. @MarylandQuitter, I cleared the chat history and its loading quicker but still unable to post anything
  9. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Fat chance bud!
  10. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  11. I don't think tinfoil hat wearer is a phrase in California do you @Katgirl?
  12. Yay @Kris, Congratulations on double digits!!! There's no harm in using NRTs to help you get past those first few weeks. Many members here have had success using them. And I love that you've already started stepping down since at some point you'll need to let them go as well.
  13. @Kris, notifications tell you when someone likes your post or mentions you in one. It also tells you if someone you're following has posted, those types of things. If you click on the little globe a window should pop open and it will show you the most recent notifications you've received. at the bottom you can click on view all notifications and it'll bring up a window to see them all.
  14. I loved my JAC (jillars air cigarette) it worked great at tricking my mind into thinking it was getting the real thing. You could try sucking on hard candies, those soft peppermint puffs don't have very many calories at all. But try not to worry right now about any extra weight you may gain. Your quit is much more important than the extra pounds plus once you're secure with your quit THEN you can work on losing any extra weight. One thing at a time Also @Kris, if you need to know how to navigate our site PLEASE don't hesitate to ask. We want to help make your quit as easy as possible!
  15. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    June's son Beaver
  16. Doesn't it mean frucking nuts?
  17. @Kris, you can ask your questions here if you like: https://www.quittrain.com/forum/12-questions-suggestions-for-admin-moderators/
  18. Oh how fun gus! I bet you end up really enjoying that
  19. Why is that not hard for me to believe?
  20. That's great news @Gus! And I agree that if you find its not what you wanted you can keep looking. We're going to miss you around here though. :( Btw, what will you be doing?
  21. Welcome aboard Steven, Congratulations on two weeks quit! You're doing great! Glad you've already started checking out the forum threads, lots of information to be had on our addiction. We also have a video forum if that's more your thing The tickets can be found here: https://www.quittrain.com/tickers/ And if you need help adding it to your signature you can find directions here: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/15042-creating-a-ticker/
  22. Almost all of us felt that way @Kris. That first cig (or five) in the morning started our day so now we have to find another way. For me that was logging on to my support forum every morning first thing. Kept my mind busy reading all the new posts from everyone while I was sleeping. Stick close, post often just like you're doing and I promise you it will get better with time quit
  23. How is your swelling today @Kris? Hopefully you were able to get it checked out
  24. I can relate @Kris, I get angry when I think of how my life was before oxygen. But I just decided that I don't want to be mad everyday. Even if I wake up angry I try to find something to smile about and lift my spirits. There's lots you can do still to give your life purpose. Have you considered volunteering? Maybe even fostering a shelter animal? I'm lucky to have a cat and dog, both are 17 now so everyday with them is a gift and I want to make sure they don't feel my bad energy
  25. jillar


    babs609 Posted April 2, 2014 Each month-I participate in running a brain injury/stroke support group. It's very fulfilling and I get such a level of satisfaction by helping these folks get together once a month to support each other, much like we do here. To some of them-this is their only social outing and they look forward to it. I learn so much from them; it's a very humbling experience. Anyway....the point of this post is--tonight we have a guest speaker. A Neurologist. She's talking about non-conventional treatment for recovery from stroke. One is mediation, which I love. The other is intention therapy...which involves the brain telling the body part to move. Takes a long time. Baby steps. Maybe you can't get the whole arm to move but perhaps start with the thumb. Studies show it works. I believe it. When I was 5 I had severe internal rotation of my feet. In laymans terms i was pigeon- toed. (For years i thought i was related to pigeons) I was teased horribly at school so my mom took me to the foot doctor. The remedy back then? Big huge ugly red shoes. I was teased by my peers even worse! I refused to wear those shoes after 1 day and decided I was going to learn to walk correctly on my own. I was determined. So for the next 2 weeks, I walked up and down my living room forcing my feet to walk straight. I practiced every day and I was always acutely aware of my gait and walked with intention. Guess what? I did it. That got me thinking about the quit. NOPE, smoking is not an option, one day at a time, there is no such thing as one cigarette, I am a non smoker, non smokers don't smoke, non smokers have stress too. All these sayings are done with intention. Way before you really even truly believe it. You just repeat , repeat, repeat until your brain finally catches on and it becomes automatic. The brain is a phenomenal organ. Used wisely--you really can accomplish anything. So....Listen...repeat it...believe it. Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/77-intentions/

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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