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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Glad to hear they're going down. Maybe it was all the extra salt you've been eating since quitting?!
  2. Yay @Katgirl, I'm so happy to hear your stress is lessening! Enjoy your time with your family!
  3. Ugh @Gus, sounds like a tough first day for you. Hopefully you won't need your nicotine gum. You don't want to reintroduce nicotine into your system! Maybe try the air cigarette instead? Hope you're having a much better day today now that hat the first day jitters have passed
  4. I like your sense of humor @Kris, you seem so fun For me if I eat a bunch of different things it upsets my stomach. Maybe that's the case for you too?
  5. Congratulations on a decade quit @Abby, and thank you for all your support and contributions to the boards. I hope you have a great day
  6. Noooooo..
  7. So no promotion but you got a badge so......plus you got that scary first thread out of your system.
  8. @d2e8b8, isn't that what the "What are you doing thread" is for? You know as a mod making all those threads in different forums will just make more work for me moving them where they need to be. Oh wait a minute......maybe there's a badge for that
  9. There's a club whose members lick widows?!
  10. Congratulations @Opah on 8 months quit, thats awesome!!!! So since I know how much you like YouTube I found this just for your monthaversary...
  11. Maybe from his personal experience?
  12. Hmmm @d2e8b8 you might be on to something. Maybe starting threads is worth more. I know there's a badge for it so maybe....
  13. No, never heard that one I thought Bakon made it up?
  14. Geez @Robbie $63.00 for 40 cigarettes?! That was about three days worth for me. In comparison mine cost 5.67 per pack of 20 if I bought them by the carton (which I did). That was back in 2016 so I'm sure they're much more now here
  15. @d2e8b8, @Kris has caught up to you in one days time! I better be on my A game she means business!
  16. But its such a cute tail......
  17. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  18. No @StevenHere, unfortunately the chat box isn't used a lot here only because we never know if someone is in there or not unless they post that they want to chat. Then we get a few in there. So once its back up and running properly just post and see if anyone feels like chatting and you guys can meet up in there.
  19. Lol, you don't talk too much! Participating in the forums helps keep your mind busy on other things besides smoking, at least it did me The Enthusiast is part of our new ranks, again to encourage participating. Plus a couple of us @d2e8b8 and I, among others, have a race going to see who can get them all first, You're welcome to join in the fun. No prizes other then bragging rights though Oh and if you go to your profile you can click on the box that says you won the day and it'll bring up the leader board for that day. You can also click on the badges and see all that you've earned as well as the various rankings
  20. Hi @StevenHere, I was able to get it to open eventually but unable to post anything so I'll let @MarylandQuitter know so he can look into it. Sometimes the updates cause these little glitches. Thanks for reporting it. @MarylandQuitter, I cleared the chat history and its loading quicker but still unable to post anything
  21. jillar

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Fat chance bud!
  22. jillar

    chicks or sticks

  23. I don't think tinfoil hat wearer is a phrase in California do you @Katgirl?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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