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Everything posted by jillar

  1. jillar

    Damm virus

    @Katgirl, you're in my thoughts! I hope you feel better soon. Get some rest so you can stay calm and hopefully stave off the anxiety
  2. @Linda, then maybe she could make Christmas letters? Maybe include something of hers along with them?
  3. @Linda, she could write letters to be given to her girls on their big events. Like graduation or getting married or even a biggie birthday maybe?
  4. Welcome aboard mommabear and congratulations on taking back your freedom! The first month or so is definitely the hardest but once past them you'll never have to do them again! What helped me in the first few months was sucking on sweets, drinking lots of fluids to help the body flush out those poisons. Listening to my body. If it was hungry, I ate. Tired, I slept etc. Your body is already working like crazy to clean up the gunk so give it what it needs. Mine also craved sweets. I was stuck on soft peppermint puffs my whole first year quit lol. But the very best aide I found was being on a forum with others who knew exactly what I was going through at any given time. You will find that here with us. We have quitters in all phases of quitting and we are open worldwide, 24/7 I suggest to check out all the various forums and get yourself acquainted with the place and again great decision to quit
  5. opened new electronics
  6. Wrong game @Linda, lol. I did that too!
  7. I'm here!
  8. Never ate lizard
  9. Elephant excrement everywhere!
  10. Organized your garage
  11. Golden Doodle, lovely!
  12. Deleted old records
  13. Researching new drug
  14. Termite treated studs
  15. Name on will
  16. Even kids surf
  17. You're right, thanks
  18. jillar

    Damm virus

    @Katgirl, yes they are fully vaccinated as is their son! And their BIL who just died was too Their son was set to fly back to Hawaii today and since his daughter is too young to be vaccinated she needed a Covid test in order to fly. When I talked to her Friday for her birthday she had told me that they had come back sick from their lake trip and I heard her granddaughter coughing (dryly) in the background and was already worried but she said they had found black mold in the air conditioner so it was probably that but nope. AND they were staying with them of course so I'm just hoping they don't get sick too. Her son and granddaughter are now quarantining in a friend's motorhome for at least ten days
  19. jillar

    Damm virus

    Well my California mom and dad are back in quarantine after their son and granddaughter who are visiting from Hawaii tested positive yesterday. They had gone with friends for a few days to a lake house and they all came back sick Luckily no one is severe and I'm just hoping it stays that way and that my California mom and dad don't end up sick too
  20. You're cute Linda
  21. Unclogged kitchen sink
  22. Congratulations @Mee, Linda on your third year smoke free! My how the time flies huh?! I hope we see you soon and you can give us an update on how you've been
  23. Eve dared Adam
  24. Solicited good sex
  25. Oh @Katgirl, that sounds terrible. I hope you're feeling better soon. Maybe its everything you did catching up with you. Since having respiratory failure I get anxiety attacks and find if I just breathe in slowly and do pursed lip breathing out I can calm myself down fairly quickly.

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