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Everything posted by jillar

  1. Didn't @Katgirl start it with her offer to pole dance?
  2. jillar

    Take Two

    I imagine bed robbers would be easy to catch for obvious reasons
  3. Well yea but which pole?
  4. Should we bombard him with questions then?
  5. I wonder if mac could even pole dance with a fat pole?
  6. Are you trying to give him a fat head @Linda?
  7. Welcome aboard @OregonGirl and congrats on deciding to quit this nasty habit. The good news is that you have nothing to be terrified of. Everyone can quit, you just chose not to smoke anymore You are lucky in that you are able to already go those lengths of time without one. That'll serve you well with going everyday without. When I used to get a bad crave I would do something that I never did smoking and the crave would almost instantly go away. Try that. Over and over and over again until the days add up. Also keep reminding yourself that you can smoke, you just don't want to. And use the support you can get here to help you. We have great forums filled with information on the addiction and support from members all over the world so there's almost always someone here 24/7. And in all stages of quitting so not only will you have support from the people walking along side you but also from those that have traveled that path and who stick around to pay it forward
  8. Are you saying any pole will do?
  9. Hi @JustinHoot99, welcome to our train What a great way to get past those first 3 days. I love how you visualized your consequences if you caved to a crave, glad it worked for you I'm married to a never smoker too who couldn't understand how I wasn't "over it" after a month quit so finding an online support board was instrumental in my success. Being around others who had been or were going down that road with me gave me a lot of incentive to keep my quit and I now have friends from all over the world I hope you check out all our various forums because we have it all from educating through posts and videos to Socializing for when you want to stay close to your support but get your mind off it for a while.
  10. jillar

    The Name Game

    I'm just plain out of names that start with "e"
  11. Hi @Nana20, its good to "see" you Congratulations on your awesome quit
  12. Maybe she thought you had a pole in your home?
  13. Do you think she's regretting offering one?
  14. Didn't say sorry
  15. Petting our new dog Oscar Hgbnm
  16. jillar

    The Name Game

  17. Old newspaper editorial
  18. jillar

    Take Two

    At least won't have to worry about bank robbers getting their money either
  19. I emailed Santa
  20. Furry, Impish creatures
  21. I look smart
  22. Weren't you the one who offered one?
  23. Who's doing the pole dance?
  24. jillar

    Take Two

    If short people were banned from banks they would have nowhere to put her money except under their mattress
  25. What a great update @SecondChanceSailor, Congratulations on one year quit! That's fantastic

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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