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Everything posted by jillar

  1. 4. We used a black sharpie to make growth marks on our garage trim of the neighbors kid every year
  2. joe Quit Date: 11/20/2013 Posted December 21, 2014 Yesterday was 13 months since my last cigarette.... While wrapping presents tonight, my wife asked if I feel any "different" this year than i did last year. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I had to say , that I truly dont remember how bad it REALLY felt last year... Don't get me wrong,..I know I was having cravings every time I turned around and I think to some degree, still going the the "withdraw" process...maybe not physically, but mentally. I am sure my mind was always searching for an excuse to run outside and light up.....BUT to actually remember that it was SOOO unbearable, or painful...I really cant remember... I do remember that early in my quit it was a struggle..like we all have...but..its now more like a vague memory.... So..any of you newbies ou there who are recently quit..or one of you lurkers who are on the fence... The best advise I can give is to jump in with both feet and commit to the quit!! There will be times that it seems almost impossible, but as time goes on, you will wonder to yourself why you ever even thought that it was impossible to quit!.. Just put your mind to it, commit to N.O.P.E. and you will soon find out what I am talking about...What you perceive as "hard" or "painful" is only temporary...the permanent effects from quitting smoking are sooooo much more memorable!! Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/3890-how-quickly-we-forget/
  3. Welcome aboard @catsinnc and congrats on quitting smoking! You'll find all the help you could need or want here. We have lots of quitters who have had success with Chantix, I was one of them until I quit taking it too early and relapsed so my suggestion would be to stay on it for the recommended amount of time which I believe is three or four months. I also agree with @johnny5 that you should throw those smokes in the garbage. Smoking just one would erase all the work your body is doing to get that nicotine out and clean everything up, you don't want that right? Look around our boards, we have lots of great reading material about our addiction and also a video library of many of the same if that's more your thing
  4. Yes, that's the main board
  5. In the beginning you should try to either put off your regular shopping even if only by a day because just that you go on Saturdays could also trigger you. FYI, I moved this to the main board where all your smoking related threads should go
  6. So pretty!
  7. Too cute @DenaliBlues. My brother has a fox family that lives in his backyard too that they enjoy watching
  8. Thank you to all who serve to keep us safe....
  9. Congratulations @Stewbum on another month quit! You are doing so well, I'm really happy for you. Have a wonderful day and spoil yourself
  10. I love this post lust, so true!
  11. Enjoy this last month of being a newbie @QuittingGirl because this time next month you'll be an Old Pharte! I hope you celebrate today and have a great day
  12. Cbdave Quit Date: 10th oct 2015 Posted February 4, 2019 G’day I’m cbdave and more often that not I get to raise the NOPE pledge of a morning. Being close to the international date line and living on the east coast of Australia means that I get to see the new day a lot earlier than most. If I’m off fishing it can be really early as I hate my phone smelling of fish bait. It wasn’t always that way. I never posted a NOPE on the QSMB board in those first months. I thought it was a tad daggy. Couldn’t see the sense in it, if I smoked it was my fault it wasn’t needed to keep me honest. Had a bit of a rethink about the three month mark as I had two quit killers coming up. First a wedding with old friends who smoked and drinks... normally a recipes for smoking if every there was. On my return a biopsy for cancer. Sobering. So I started to post to keep myself in touch with the board and more importantly as an acknowledgement that Yes I was really an Addict. It really hit home that I needed to fess I that I was only a puff away from going back to that standard 20 cigs a day! So that’s me, now a diferent board ....but still taking the time to acknowledge the addict in me.... if only once a day. So pledge or don’t pledge but never forget what it stands for Not One Puff Ever Chris Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/11876-to-nope-or-not-to-nope/
  13. You'll have to let us know how many you guys ended up collecting @Reciprocity
  14. I'm so excited for you @Doreensfree! xoxo
  15. Sirius Quit Date: May 27, 2014 Posted August 16, 2019 What?!?!?! Say again? Well according to a few studies and some peripheral observations there ARE a few benefits to regularly using tobacco products. Lower's risk of total knee replacement in men. Lower's risk of Parkinson's disease. Lower's risk of obesity. Lower's risk of unwanted pregnancy..b'cuz you ain't getting any Ashtray-breath. The Joys of momentary gratification as you feed your habit. There are suggestions that smoking alleviates ulcerative colitis. No need to plan for your 80th birthday. There is some blurriness to this list. For instance, you may not need total knee replacement because you weigh less because of smoking BUT if you DO need total knee replacement as a smoker your chance's of complications are much, much higher. In just about every other way smoking increases your risk of acquiring or worsening every other disease or medical complication, for instance (and just to name a few): Alzheimer's Dementia Glaucoma Macular degeneration Coronary Heart Disease Aneurysm Peripheral vascular disease Stroke Heartburn Peptic ulcers Vericose Veins Crohn's disease Gallstones Osteoporosis Asthma Lower respiratory tract infections Stained teeth Premature tooth-loss Various gum diseases Premature aging of the skin (your largest organ) Persistent coughing Smelly hair Yellowed fingers Bronchitis High cholesterol Weaker immune system Infertility (see benefits #4) Major diabetes complications Blood clots Early menopause COPD High blood pressure Decrease in sense of smell Pregnancy complications New born complications An increase of varying degrees of just about every kind of cancer Renal failure Increased chance of falling asleep and dying in FIRE. Yes, this has happened. Increased chance of complications and lengthened recovery periods of many medical procedures and surgeries ...and most significant of all...erectile dysfunction (see benefits #4; again). And these are just the medical disadvantages to smoking. We won't bother considering the disadvantages related to personal expenses, taxes, social stigmata, or the medical disadvantages of second hand smoke that impacts those YOU ARE CLOSEST TO YOU, or the resale value of that ashtray-on-wheels you call your car or the stench rising from your cloths. Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/12878-benefits-of-smoking/
  16. Yep, I agree with the other old pharts. The thoughts do still come every once in a while but nothing gnarly enough to use my JAC, and gone just as quickly as it showed up.
  17. Welcome aboard @jacobrose, you'll get all the support you need or want here from a great group of members in all phases of their quits. Plus topics galore about our addiction. We also have a video library if thats more your thing.
  18. @susie14 I changed the question after I realized its things you can do with and not the other game lol 2. Make garage sale signs
  19. 10. Invest it Magic markers
  20. Those are awesome pics you guys. I didn't see anything in Cali
  21. jillar


    Mee Quit Date: 08/01/2018 Posted August 31, 2019 I used to think I did not have the willpower to quit smoking. Every attempt, my thoughts would drift back to needing that cigarette and the excuses of why I could not quit. Last night, as I lay in bed, I could not get this word out of my mind. I realized that, over the past year, this word has really changed meaning for me. I always had the willpower to quit smoking, I just did not know how to do it. Stumbling across this forum was a life changer for me. We all have the power to change our lives for the better, but many times we do not feel we have the strength or "will" to do so. That has a lot to do with our self esteem. How can we not feel lowly about ourselves, when we are addicted to a behavior that is destroying ourselves. Know that you can change your life and , in my case, the meaning of this word. Now that I have quit smoking, I have the willpower to do anything I want. I have the willpower to stay in control of my life. What a wonderful feeling. Link to original post: https://www.quittrain.com/topic/12930-willpower/
  22. When mine ran out the whole damn pen turned invisible and I never saw it again...
  23. It's nice to see you too @farmgirl. Thank you for your nice words.
  24. Hi @farmgirl, that puppy could absolutely be doing it and I'm sure the craves will pass as long as you don't cave to them. Triggers cause our cravings as you know and if this is a new trigger, which it sounds like it is, that's the cause. Well done posting about it. That may be all that's needed for it to pass ☺
  25. Congratulations @Mac#23 on your awesome quit! I'm so glad you've stuck around supporting those that come after you. Have a great day!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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