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Everything posted by notsmokinjo

  1. cobba
  2. -11
  3. -11
  4. Halo-halo (man I need to visit Tita Fleur for my Fillo food hit)
  5. -11
  6. Of course 1 is the fib... Jillar lives in a burrow.
  7. -11
  8. -11
  9. Out comes the worlds smallest hairball I insert some chewie
  10. -11
  11. 5 o'clockski hit tonight and I was off like a plate a prawns in the sun.

    1. Reciprocity


      Hope you feel better??

    2. notsmokinjo


      LOL .... here's a translation:  5 o'clock hit tonight and I left work as quick as a plate of prawns (shrimp) goes off if left in the sun.


  12. OK signen on the dotted line an committen to one year of bein a NOPE head. At least I'm smart enough to know I need the nope. EDIT: Why has noone mentioned if this is legalised NOPE??? Do I need to be watching for the cops with I have me daily NOPE??????????????????????????????????
  13. Random thought: Do ya reckon that the speed limit signs have nothin ta do with the legal fuckin limit and are just put there by the bloody bastards at Vicroads (or whoever where yous live) to fark with ya head. Every fuckin time I'm on the freeway the sign says 100 but me bloody speedo says 50 if I'm lucky! Stop mocking me stupid speed signs.
  14. un haïku est un «poème» japonais stupide qui a trois lignes, avec cinq syllabes dans la première et troisième ligne et sept syllabes dans la ligne médiane et il ne rime même pas
  15. Thanks for all the congrats boys n girls.... Told the kid I'd hit 3 months and she said "Dilligaf".... Hmmm... Me: " Wot, ya don't care that I ain't had a smoke in three months?" A bit pissed off. The kid: "yeah, I'm really proud of you." With her confused face. Me: "So why'd ya say Dilligaf?" With my confused paste. The kid: "cos its what you say to people when they tell you stuff they did." Me: "not wot it means bub, it's wot ya say when ya don't care" The kid: "you're such a wierdo but I luv ya"
  16. I ordered me 2 NOPE shirts... Will have ta post pics when I get em.
  17. Onya fab, well done on hittin 2 months... Keep up the good work.
  18. Woohoo for Wee!!!!! Hope ya not too cold on ya anniversary... Seven Stella months ya bloody legend. Onya.
  19. Do ya think she's got a beer flavoured pvssy an that's why ya bro's so cvnt struck?
  20. So are ya telling me she's a jumbo sized rancid scrag with a moral superiority complex... Aka Bertha the fly blown barge arsed bitch? Have you tried calling her Sister Fat instead of her name? (That was brother Amy's big come back, but he could call me that it was no skin off my nose)
  21. *hugs* ... Once you set ya mind to quitting you worked ya ar5e off to achieve it. You are all ova ya quit so now you can focus on shifting the post quit baggage.... It to will be hard work, but you have quit so ya know you are strong, ya determined, ya have staying power an grit. Even if ya Neva shift those 20lb who gives a rats ar5e... You are beautiful regardless and should be nuthin but proud of wot ya'v achieved cos that took fucken super powers.
  22. Here is the baby mutt when he was 6 months....
  23. Does she av a stick up her ar5e?
  24. Cheap Wine - cold chisel What makes you stressed?

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