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Everything posted by notsmokinjo

  1. -7
  2. Confession: I stayed with a doctor I wasn't happy with for a multitude of reasons (like having me on tripple the legal dose of a medication) because he was counselling me to not quit. If it helps at all I had been suffering with anxiety (some days so bad I couldn't leave the house and had a rather impressive crying jag at the supermarket when I couldn't find the brand of sauce (ketchup) I was looking for) as a result of trying to ween off a medication I have been taking for a few years. I also have some severe anxiety attached to quitting as a result of a previous failed quit. When I began this quit I was at a stage in my life where I did grocery shopping in the middle of the night to avoid people, I went to work, and I would show up to softball right before the game started, not sit in the dugout and leave as soon as it finished without shaking hands. I wouldn't answer my phone and I was barely functioning. In the middle of that, in the middle of the night I decided to quit. Since my quit date I have had to sudden and horrific deaths to contend with and but emotionally and anxiety wise i am in a much better place than i was when i was still smoking. I'm not going to blow smoke up your ar5e mate, it was hard, that first week I barely functioned, week 3 was insane but I can honestly tell you I am in such a better place now with my anxiety than I was as a smoker. A lot of people here say they are free, meaning they are free of the addiction of nicotine and its controlling hold over us but i have been doubly blessed because I feel that the grip my anxiety has on me is lessening more and more each day and they only thing different is the smokes. I have even gone back to working the bar at softball. Quitting is hard at anytime but quitting with anxiety is actually a balm once your past those first few hurdles.
  3. -5
  4. -5
  5. -1
  6. -19 (Jenny) -20.... or as Oprah would say... we've got slaps for you, and for you and slaps for you!
  7. -19
  8. True... at least 1 book every 2 days... aahhh insomnia TNP has never read a biography
  9. -18
  10. -18
  11. we had logos... here's the class of 2017 BUT even more important ... I think I found the boards official lolly ..... they even ave a raspberry flavour one for peeps like me who av tastbuds an know licorice is evil: http://www.candytime.com.au/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/362x/db978388cfd007780066eaab38556cef/c/h/choo-choo-bar_3.png
  12. -17
  13. -15
  14. -13
  15. -11
  16. Boo nailed this one on the head. My little nicotine addict self clung to the doctors who said don't give up yet this was so the best justification to give in on a quit but you know what I am feeling so much better and have considerably less anxiety now than I had 3 months ago. Read whatever you can here, and when you quit do it 24 hours at a time. I still only am to get through this day.. and before you know it they add up and it gets easier.
  17. -5
  18. Yep... swam for the state as a kid and played softball but didn't go beyond netball tryouts... too much of a clash with the others... netball is a girls sport with 7 a side sort of like basketball except you have to be 3 feet away to defend, you can't dribble and if you have the ball you can't move your feet or the other team gets a free pass... and only 2 players can shoot... and there is no backboard... so really its nothin like basketball except there are 2 teams, a ball and ya need to shoot the most goals ta win.
  19. I got one an didn't even need to change my name LOL Umm... 1. I once had ta get off the train cos I had a panic attack cos of a picture of a spider in the news paper 2. I aint had a bevy (alcoholic drink) in ova 10 years 3. I played netball for my state as a kid
  20. Have to have the dead horse on a steak. I'm with you Slips
  21. -5
  22. Hells Bells - ACDC What do you like to watch?
  23. -3
  24. -1

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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