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Everything posted by notsmokinjo

  1. Honey Joys .... Only way to eat corn flakes...
  2. @overcome ... switch out your onion for a leak add some chicken stock and that's the ingredients to my spud soup. I brown the butter a bit, soften the leaks then cook the bacon until the fat renders, add the spuds and just enough stock to cover... boil until spud very soft then puree and add enough evaporated milk to get the right consistency.
  3. @Paul723 my daughter and I watch it together. I've made a few of the dishes too. Please tell me you love Poh and Julie Goodwyn. Another good Aussie cooking show is My Kitchen Rules.
  4. 2. . Hitting yourself with a hammer.
  5. So I have used binaural beats for a while to help with focus at work on bad adhd days... was looking for something new to add to the list when I came across this about 18mths into ky quit. Not sure if I've shared it this before. Not sure if it's a placebo...bit it does help me sleep ... anywho... listening to binaural beats works better with headphones one.
  6. Where do I belong ..... right here chickadee!
  7. 1. Get the lid to paint it and then gift it to the grandparents.
  8. 6. It tastes delicious. So the only place I've seen pretzels with cheese in Melbourne is at German resteraunts. Warm giant pretzel...gooey melt cheese sauce...now that really does taste delicious.
  9. First.... thank you for posting this. You are not the only one to feel like this. It's hard to stick your hand up publicly and say so this post is big... I mean, one you worry that it might put an early quitter off... then there is the whole wotif I am the only one thought process... what if people give me negative feed back.... but i think you should be proud of your post. So I think Boo explained it best, it's not the thought that's the issue but how your react and respond to it. I still get the occasional thought that I'd like a smoke... I know that's its just a remnant nicotine receptor trying it on... the thing is when for example I get a whiff of someone's smoke and that little voice goes "oh I'd like a smoke" I don't give the thought any realestate... my instant response is "yeah-nah" and I go on with my life. I don't analyse why I thought that, does that make my quit weak, Am I still battling this... why?... will I fail am I failing... no time for that.... had the thought, said nope and off I go with life. It hasn't always been like that... when I was about 18 months quit I'd psycho analyse every single occasional thought... made me feel like a weak/mad quitter and everyone else was doing it easy. It wasn't any hold smokes held over me just my own self doubt and yhought processes. When that self doubt crept in I'd re read my earliest posts.... and remember how far I have come and who I am now... which is not a slave to a chemical/drug. It just takes time...there is no perfect time table...we are all different... it's OK to have a shit day, just ok if you still get a crave or smoking thought.... remember your undoing years of conditioning....you will get to easy street in the time that's right for you and noone is going to think any less of you if you say... "oi support network feeling the pinch here at the moment, please remind me you got my back and it's normal to have off times"
  10. 3. My weight
  11. Oh yay @Doreensfree have a great visit with Nicky.
  12. So.... for that 20 pack of Malboro you would be up for £16.60 or US$18.86 or Can$25.88 ...for the 25 pack of B&H .... £30.44 or US$34.58 or Can$47.46. Most of that cost is taxes.... the Aussie government is trying to phase out smoking with a policy called prohibitive pricing so every September and March the tax goes up. It's a 12.5% increase each year.
  13. Oright you mob... did me some research...thank fark I don't smoke anymore, I'd need a second job.... So meanwhile down under...
  14. Send prayers to Kat's little battler. Speedy healing vibes to the little fella and best wishes to you all. Me...I'm wondering if this convo counts as a mummy pass or a mummy fail.... (Background, the kid us studying biology and they have been doing experiments involving growing plants) The Kid (16)... Mum I grew the best geraniums, my root systems were awesome. I also had the best succulents. I so should grow pot. Even my grass was the best and I was trying to kill that.
  15. So if that link doesn't work... please take the time to google Shark Fin Blue by The Drones
  16. Rest up Lady D and get better soon.
  17. Oh I think we have a similar thing here...Passion Pop..... which when I went to school was called 2 buck chuck....it cost about $3 a bottle and was a sickly sweet passionfruit flavoured sparkling wine.
  18. Oops... * you can use chocolate sprinkles, but then instead of fairy bread it is ant bread.
  19. Fairy Bread. This Aussie delicacy is best prepared at least 3 hours before serving and it's just not a party without it. Ingredients Sliced white bread Margarine 100s n 1000s (or sprinkles*) 1. Butter white bread with a decent amount of marg. 2. Turn upside down onto a plate covered in 100s n 1000s (or sprinkles). 3. Cut into 4 triangles, arrange on plate and cover with wrap until ready to serve.
  20. Eye-van-hoooooe.... we have a suburb in Melbourne named Ivanhoe, and I have to pronounce it that way every time. So yesterday I played a game with the children.... Are you smarter than a 16 month old.... saddly, 5 outa 5 failed. So my sis sent me footage of her genius baby identifying historically famous Aussies from their pictures.... Captain Cook ... first European to discover Australia and be bothered to claim it (both the Dutch and the French passed). Mary MacKillop ... a nun who became the first Australian Saint. Sir Don Bradman.... greatest cricket batsman, ever... retired with an average of 99.94 (so almost 100 runs every innings he batted, as an average) Weary Dunlop... WW2 army doctor who was a POW and well just Google him, pretty amazing what he and his other doctors did to keep other POWs alive on the Burma Thailand railway. Douglas Mawson... Arctic Explorer So anyway.... got pictures of each of them and asked the kids to see how many they could name. A couple got Mary MacKillop and young cobsie got the Don.... but that was it. So then I played the footage of Miss 16 months old naming them all...and then I named he other 10 in the chart she didn't name. This was primary school history. Best comment went to K... why wasn't Ned Kelly there I know that one... bit hard to miss the bloke with a metal bin on his head.
  21. Oright, so due to a seating reshuffle at work I now sit downstairs (yep that's my knees cheering) in a dark little corner surround by colleges young enough to be my kids... so the play pen... it's a daily reminder of how old I am and how vast the generation gap is.. So to give you an idea we are a culturally diverse group and the kids were talking about what natos they get mistaken for when they go out... J1.. (Anglo-Indian) I get mistaken for a Leb (Lebanese) all the time. J2.. (Turkish)... yeah I get that and Greek and Italian. K.. (Serb) ... I get Greek or Turkish. Me.. (very white Australian)...I know what you mean when I go out people mistake me for a Skip all the time. (So back in the day Skip was slang for a white European Aussie) J1, J2, K ... huh?? .... wots a Skip Me... (in shock)... um a Skip, you know Skippy the Bush kangaroo? J1... wots skippy the bush Kangaroo Me... wot you talkin bout Willace? (Which illicitly more blank stares as it flew right over their heads... Skippy was an old TV show, it was like the Aussie version of Lassie...except Skippy was a kangaroo. So the children all look at each other blankly then I get.. J2.. um Jo, wots Lassie. Me... just google it... it'll be on you tube.
  22. There was that 1 time I drank a bottle of vodka and thought I was the reincarnation of Bob Marley and serenaded the entire motel complex from the pool at 3am in the morning....and now we mention the pool was a) outside and b) not heated and it was the middle of winter and about 1deg C.... I know someone has photos showing me with smurf blue toes. No idea what Boones Farm is.
  23. CONGRATS Well done on a decade of smoke free life and also for hanging up the badge. Thanks for all you've done here to get our window lickin arses over the smoke free line.
  24. 5. Chicken & Champagne (breakfast) for the horse races, especially Melbourne Cup.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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